
Wednesday, May 2, 2007


I'm excited to announce and participate in the "Passport to Creativity" sponsored by More than Memories located in Schaumburg, Illinois. Join Michele Charles, Peggy Budfuloski, Stephanie Sheetz, Robin Beam, Claire Hampton and myself on a CREATIVE Journey held July 15 thru 20th. Each night features a special guest artist and project. CLICK HERE for more information. HURRY!!!!! Space is limited to only 10 participants. This way each of you will receive special attention during the class.

My class will be taught Friday July 20 from 6pm to 8pm. I can tell you - I love to teach and love to have fun!! I haven't posted a picture.... YET! For that matter, I havent created the project, but driving down the road today an idea popped into my head... so here's my thinking..... "Wear your Art on your sleeve - or your ANKLE...WRIST??" you decide!" ( I know ...that's not an original phrase....) In any event, I'm thinking I will show how to make a rather artzy bracelet full of charms featuring Clay transfer techniques, polymer accent beads with some copper or pewter metal thrown in there somehow....

Personally Im going to make the charms of my kids photos and their artwork. This will be one of those projects that can morph over just keep adding and adding until the bracelet is so heavy, your wrist falls off..... (just kidding!) Each participant will have to email me up to 5 pictures ahead of the class so I can prepare them. Sound intriguing?? Well stay tuned for the picture which I'll have sometime late next week. I love mixed media...and for some reason Im on a real CHARM craze lately - THIS SHOULD BE FUN!!!!! I would welcome your thoughts - so EMAIL ME!!

For more information - make sure you check out MORE THAN MEMORIES website. SEE YOU THERE!!!!!

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