
Friday, July 13, 2007

One trip down...and on to the next

With the BEADS BAUBLES AND JEWELS 7th season of shows all wrapped up, Im now back in the studio briefly...had to run and turn on the internet to read Katie Hacker's latest blog. I think we're in some sort of blog's as if we're trying to outblog each other. It's all good though! Katie and I have been industry friends for quite a while...but sadly never really had time to just sit and get to know one another. We'll that ended last night as we sat and chatted about all sorts of things at TAZA restaurant near the studio. It was a great way to end a very inspiring trip. She gave me some great ideas to do with clay...and Im not sure what I gave her...but sometimes you just need that extra nudge to get you over the creative block. I was really needing that "refresher" too. It seems like I can get hemmed in working by myself in the studio.

She posted a really great blog about the guests who were at the be sure to read her blog (follow the link on this page). I think she tells the story very well.

So with that being said...I now have 4 days to prepare for the Summer CHA show. I need to get craft porcelain samples ready to go, put together my demonstrations and my class kits for the More than Memories class on Friday night. It's an over sold a big thanks if you happen to be one of those attendee's. Im very much looking forward to meeting you. We're going to have a great time!

One thing I might mention or remind you if you happened to have forgotten. I pulled up the HGTV website for Carol Duvall shows (click on the craft link - then on Carol Duvall) while I had some time to waste in the airport. If you will do a search for my name, you will be able to watch the Scrapbooking in clay segment that I did. (havent found a way to direct link this or I would) It's from one of the last seasons. Also, my friend, and fellow designer turned sales rep, Lisa Galvin shows you how to create decorative night light using metal techniques - so be sure to search for her name too.

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