
Wednesday, November 14, 2007


For a while now, I've been contemplating the thought of giving online classes. So, my questions...are you interested?

I'm looking into several software platforms that would allow me to do this. Webcam seems to be the way to go, but it isn't without it's glitches and it only allows for a few to attend at a time. The other platform works with slide shots and voice overs along with a chat column for posting questions.

Would you be more interested in a video that you could download...say maybe a 15 minute technique class or a 30 minute class on a subject that you could view on your own time at your own pace? (If you're like me...I watch movies all the time and see something I've missed from times before.) I'm leaning towards this option. And doing a video a month. But you tell me

I'd love to hear your thoughts on this. Would you please take a moment to complete the poll on the side bar? This will give me a better idea as to your interests.

Thanks for your comments....

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