
Friday, December 7, 2007

Snow, Family and Papercrafts

I'm so glad that my hobby is a "comfy" craft. We received about 4" of snow in Iowa yesterday. It was whiteout conditions, and while my hubby Dana and his friend Darrell were out braving the elements to "put food on the table" as they call hunting pheasants, I was snug as a bug, in the basement working on next years family Calendar. I have three pages left and then it will be off to the 'inkjet' printer.

After the first of the year, I do plan on blogging every day, some days devoted to tips - Maybe TIP Thursday... Tutorial Tuesday...what rhymes with monday? Wednesday? or Friday?..maybe you can give me some thoughts on that.

Here's one of the pages I created, making my own papers and inspired by all the techniques I've learned from Linda Sattgast on

Doesn't this picture make you feel warm, cozy and melt your heart?? Babies have a way of doing that....


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