
Monday, January 21, 2008

Making Beads Book - Almost HERE!!

Im so excited! I'd received word today from my publisher that the book is almost finished, printed and that in a couple of weeks - I'll HAVE BOOKS!!This has been such a long time waiting. Just looking at the cover brings back so many great memories of the design process and the trip to London.

In cooperation with the book, I'll be at MORE THAN MEMORIES, March 8th to teach a class called: Stones, Molds, Beads and More! You'll learn first hand three of my favorite stone recipes, how to hand form beads and how to make beads with the bead rollers and how to make molds of your favorite found objects.

I'm still taking reservations for your signed copy of the book - if you havn't added your name to the list - email me now!

And to correct a boo-boo I made in the last blog - I had the dates wrong. Classes will be Friday March 7th and Saturday March 8th! See you there!

(photo courtesy Cico Books (c) 2008, Geoff Dann photographer)

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! I look forward to seeing the book in a few months!

