
Thursday, January 24, 2008

More Metal Mania with ArtEmboss and the CuttleBug

A couple of days ago my UPS driver delivered a new CuttleBug! Oh...let me tell you, it was just like opening up a box of delicious, mouth watering Galaxy Chocolate from my friend in England! Yes, it was a yummy box full of CRAFT CANDY! I think I'll coin that a new phrase...craft candy...just think of it...all the delicious fun, but with absolutely ZERO calories. (We must not live on food alone you know..)

I wanted to share with you a couple of the pieces that I made for samples for the CHA trade show that is coming up here in just a couple of weeks.

This necklace is made with the CuttleBug Traffic Jam embossing folder. I used it to emboss ArtEmboss Copper, tarnished and patina'd the metal. Then cut out the shape and taped it to the Pewter base. (Gotta love that ThermOWeb SuperTape! - I use it on everything!

The whole project took about 15 minutes to make. It's one of those projects you can make in a rush and be out the door in an hour wearing a piece of new designer jewelry!
Next, I used another embossing folder, this time called Spots N Dots. I embossed light aluminum - a thinner metal. I applied a cream color acrylic paint, let it dry and sanded it off to distress it. This is a version of another jewelry design I did a few months ago using Friendly Plastic. I just altered the design slightly. Still, I wanted to keep it simple and QUICK! I really like the metal in the background. It gives it sort of a shabby chic vintage look with a touch of bling.
The image is an old family photo I believe of my grandmother or great-grandmother as a young child.
More ideas like these are coming up in my Metal book - right now I call it Metal Mania. It's in the works right now at Design Originals. Monday, I should get the front cover, so I'll post it and let you know when it's released! I'm so excited.
I hear the Craft Candy calling me I better run, but I promise to be back with more creative goodies tomorrow.
Thanks for joining in...and if you're interested in the new metal book - email me, I'll put you on the list.

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