
Monday, February 4, 2008

It's Crunch Time! CHA is on the horizon!

This is crunch week for me and many designers who are putting the finishing touches on manufacturer's samples, getting together their promotional materials as we all get ready for the one of the largest craft and hobby related trade shows in the world.

I'm still in the studio working, but thought I'd sneak a break to blog. Right now Im designing an artistic T-shirt. It's just about there, just need a few more tweekings and hopefully I'll have a winner.

I don't often enter designer challenges, but when the opportunity to do this challenge came my way, I thought what the heck. The opportunity to design with beautiful laces and trims and embellish clothes...IM THERE!!! And the prizes aren't so bad either - $500 for first place!

Well..better get back to the ole grindstone. I promise pictures when Im finished!

Thanks for stopping by!

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