
Sunday, March 9, 2008

So you think you CAN'T sculpt........

Friday night I taught a sculpting class at More than Memories in Chicago to a group of ladies who had various skills.....some familiar with sculpting, some just familiar with polymer clay...and some who were just willing to jump in and try something new, and I mean....absolutely new - never touched clay before in their life! We had a ball! I love the comradarie of the women, we laughed, shared stories and I would say that it was a very relaxed and creative evening. No pressure in my classes - just lots of learning and lots of fun! (Can you believe we didn't even get a picture of the class??? -- blonde moment there!)

Yesterday, Kasey (owner of MTM) received this email which she forwarded me from Katie, one of the students in my class. Kasey knows Katie from High School and convinced her to take the class. She had NEVER EVER touched a piece of polymer clay before in her life. She was eager to take the class because she thought this would be a fun thing to do with her kids and give her some Mommy and Kid time. (HIGH FIVE KATIE!)

We began the class with an intensive overview of Six Simple Shapes - I can't begin to tell you how understanding this concept will make your sculpting life easier...but here's proof from the email:

Katie writes:

Just wanted to say thanks for a fun night of learning something moose has a very distinguished spot on our fireplace mantle. The kids and my husband LOVE him! Hope the rest of the weekend workshops go really well. See you soon.
Katie H.

So how awesome is that? All I have to say is, if you have been wanting to try polymer clay and you haven't - What are you waiting for?? Attend one of my classes or get one of my books. I would suggest Polypens. The Six Simple Shapes (tm) technique is outlined there and in no time you'll be one your way to sculpting cute little animals and other little things....and you'll just amaze yourself - I just know it!

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