
Monday, January 19, 2009

A day for a fit for a Princess...or Princesses....

I've shared alot of personal stories on this blog. Mostly I write for me, because every once in a while I go back and look at all the things Ive done or things that have happened. Like I've posted before, sometimes you don't know where you are.....until you know where you've been!
And so this post, while it's personal, there's a creative side to it.

Everyone....and I don't care who you are.....young or old, whatever color your skin, tall or small, thick or thin, disabled or abled.....should be Princess for a day - deserves to be princess for a day!

Once again, that mean ole word - CANCER has attacked our family. It's a horrible word, it's a horrible illness! But this time it's not Mariah, It's my dear mother. Last October she was diagnosed with rather invasive breast cancer. She was so ill, she wound up in the hospital. And while she was there - I refused to leave her side. I slept in a chair that I swear if I could spend more time in it - I'd have some rockin abs!.... But through that hospital visit - we laughed and laughed and laughed. Believe it or not! My mom has some silly antics and now I know where I get them. It was like taking care of Mariah again only this time she was just older.

Anyways.....I promised myself, that I will NEVER take for granted every moment that I can spend with my parents, I will never regret "not saying things I should have"....good things I mean. I can never say I love you enough and I can't have a long enough hug.....I will never have any regrets ! It really was life changing.....again!

Apparently, that is the way many of our friends from the local Kingdom Hall in Nixa felt as well. And through their love and support, my mother has made remarkable progress from literally not being able to get out of bed to being able to P-A-R-T-Y! Never EVER underestimate the power of friendship and prayer - and friends to cook dinner for ya!

Imagine how suprized I was when I opened up an invitation to a princess party...I thought it was probably for one of the girls....but was for Princess Jane.

This is my beautiful princess mother!...In all her princess glory and bling........

This is the amazing yummy cake............

Friends are like fine jewels......

And these are a couple of the friends that hosted the party.......They went all out on the decorations.....and the costumes. Young and old were princess for the day....we had little ones there barely a year old to the more mature ones. close to 70...

This is a beautiful picture painted by a jewel of a friend Karen S. expecially for mom with a sweet poem sentiment expressing how much she loves my mom's friendship.

And these.....are the about bling! Just look at the creativity in that will ya? Those center pieces were all hand made....!!!

And this is Dad! ....... I thought this was funny...because every Princess has to meet their handsome prince. Well...this royal couple will celebrate their 48th wedding anniversary in just a few short months.
My mom received cards with handwritten poems, artwork, hand made was amazing and overwhelming. All just for being her. WOW! She is known as a giving person - she loves to make quilts and if she knows you ...and you're getting married or having a baby - generally she will make a commemorative quilt for you...she loves to sew....she loves to give.
Thanks girls and everyone who put so much work and effort into this party! It may have been for her....but what they gave to me...and the memories of my moms special day are priceless. The memories are branded in my heart and will remain forever. I love you all.......
I love you princess........ I love you MOM!

1 comment:

  1. Oh Linda! Everything looks so amazingly wonderful! I am so happy for you that your mom is doing so well. She looks fabulous! And what wonderful friends you both have to present her with such a gift! I agree, she is a Princess!!! Absolutely beautiful!!!
