
Wednesday, July 15, 2009

I got a little carried away.....................

I've had many little bumps and detours through my creative career. But in hindsight, they all had a purpose. Designing is really different than creating. When you let yourself go...anything goes...who cares if your technically "NOT" supposed to use "whatever" in your's your world...create with it!....

Designing is different....with designing for manufacturers you have to think about the consumer...the trends...the product...the skill level....and that's when it becomes a job! No, Im not complaining or whining at all...because I love the job....I HAVE to create! does make it easy for you to get tunnel vision and lose your sense of "whatever goes".

Because my focus is not so much on polymer clay anymore..(don't worry, that's my first love)..and has changed directions to Friendly Plastic, that bump...or shall I call it a bump-ortunity...has led me outside of my usual comfort zone to experience soooo many other mediums. It was like the most wonderful slap in the creative face if you can imagine that. The world of Friendly Plastic pellets is so undiscovered....and so that has led me to many "what if" days.

The most recent opportunity I have before me, is designing and working on my next book called "Beading in No Time". It will be the latest in a series of books by Cico Publications and due out next spring.

I love this challenge, because its about "jewelry"...."beading"....and everything that encompases it. It's given me permission to create once again....

The book will be filled with all sorts of techniques from simple and about an hour to more delicate beadweaving and stitching. Now...because I'm impatient and I want my results RIGHT THIS SECOND....none of the beadweaving I do is extensively long....but the effects are stunning. So ....if you've ever wanted to learn how to weave beads...but thought it was too involved...there will be something great for you in this book.

Another resurgance in the craft industry is wire wrapping....I think I've found another passion! The free flow of wire and wondering what it will look like is like seeing your newborn for the first time....some have hair.......some are bald.......some wirewrapping is ornate and gaudy...and other is bald and simple.....

So here's my journey yesterday in designing rings for the book....not all the rings will be featured.....but a good majority of them will you enjoy.!

This one is for my mom...... (she doesn't know it if you know her....don't blow the secret please! :o))
The color of this green is so lusciously tropical....may just have to keep this one for myself....Im in a real green mood lately...and Orange too....but I have no orange in my wardrobe? I think thats code for go shopping for more clothes...what do you think?

This is just a simple wire could be a birthstone, baby ring or toe ring...

Here's where I got carried away...and I didnt even photograph them all.!!!...

This is better than goin to the spa!....(well...almost!) But instead of Calgon taking me away.....I think I'll say..."Beads...take me away!"

1 comment:

  1. Love them ALL!! really like the green one!! That would go with my bracelet and necklace! heheheheh Green is good:) Great job!
