
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The "NEED" breeds creativity - never the right color.....

I posted on facebook that "I have every color of ribbon known to craftkind EXCEPT the color I need at the moment".  It doesnt matter how much ribbon, how much paper, how many seems that I never have the right bead Im looking for when the creative moment strikes. (can you feel my craft pain ??)

I was in my creative zone...which really is a good thing considering it takes several hours from the time I wake up to the time the "zone" hits...and when it's like being in crafty outer space...nothing matters..a tornado could hit and I'd never know could create for hours and you do...its as if you blinked  and three (or maybe even 10)  hours have have craft-adrenalin which is able to surpass hunger cravings and sleep deprivation...all in the anticipation of the finish line....when your beautiful dream of crafty eye candy becomes a reality..........and then..................there's the SPLAT! - yep I fell down from Crafty-outerspace....why?  I do NOT have the right color of ribbon that I need to complete this awesome eyecandy work of wonders....and so...i fell...outta the zone....(not lookin for sympathy here...but you can say AWWWWwwww if you must) this's late in the day...I have not a stitch of make up on...and there is no way I am stepping foot outta this studio to let the world see me in my begin the hunt for something else...I dont know what...but my eyes are scanning the shelves in hopes that something will pop out at me.....I take a drink of tea from my quart mason jar...(yes for me tea is meant to be in mason jars...I am in the Ozarks...) and then I think....TEA DYE.....I grab my fabric and I feel again as if Im being launched back into the zone space.....Im ripping strips of fabric...plunking them into a hot tea bath...burning my fingers to death....then I see ink pads....Color...YES...I can make my own color....and it matches PERFECTLY!

YES YES YES.....I'm returned to the zone........................

now........I have to wait for the fabric to dry....and the resin to cure.......and so that is my story for today....

But two day project of wonders...(which "if" I had planned correctly would have only taken a couple hours)...will be born.....and it's even better than planned...

I suppose "planning" is boring....for me...Im glad I was forced to think outside the box...and the NEED was just the recipe I needed for an exciting day of crafty play.....

Im curious...if you were given these strips of colorful wonders...what would you create?  Leave your comments please


  1. I think I would cut 3 inch strips, gather bunches of them in little bundles, such as the way you tie corn stalks this time of year. Each would be tied with several matching wires and the wires would have loys of seed beeds in similar multi colors.Then I would make FP pumpkins, but not just orange--oh no!! And perhaps a modern FP scarecrow, then make a perfect slightly crazy coordinating collage background, perhaps 5x7inches and create my fantasy non traditional color multi media autumn scene.

  2. Necessity is the mother of invention, isn't it! Gorgeous colours Linda - I LOVE that they match your project (which I can't wait to see!). I reckon they would look great twisted together with some fibres and strung with a Friendly Plastic focal!
