
Friday, October 22, 2010

Creative Life Stuff ....Not just how to make stuff

Maybe you've noticed I've changed my blog banner.  It's just my name, but it encompasses everything I am and do.  I live a Creative Life - sometimes that encompasses creating art and design and other times it's just a creative way to solve life's problems... I appreciate that this online journal is a way that I can share my creative moments, my family moments and sometimes just some plain raw emotion.  It's an inside look at me.  I hope you can find some inspiration and relate to my experiences.

So from now on...that's what I'll be sharing me, what inspires me, what depresses me, what I enjoy...what I could live without...just creative life stuff.... not just how to make stuff....

If anything will give you a swift kick in the batooky, it's an illness of a family member.  I've written the last few posts about my Mother's recent and current illness.  I can tell you that I "hate" cancer with everything that I am...It's not just a blow to the person who suffers, it's a blow to the entire family.  It's a reality check.

I think if you want to pick the "positive" out of this situation, that would be it really makes you sit back and think what's important....who's important...and it helps you figure out what is and what isn't worth fighting over.  I've thought alot about that.  I've felt every emotion I could possibly feel in the last two weeks, from happiness over progress, to deep despair over the thought of losing someone so precious to me...someone who gave me the opportunites I have. 

Outside of thinking about my family, I've thought about all the friends that I have - I mean go look at my Facebook page and just look at the outpouring of support from people who I've only met online...WOW! That is powerful!  I tell Mom every day about those posts and what you all have said and she says..."That's wonderful" and for a split second you can see her face glow and you know she is smiling inside...That's powerful!  Words really can not express what your expressions of caring's priceless...

An update to PINK CUPCAKES....We took the pink cupcakes up to my mom.  It' been a particularly hard day for her.  She was having some problems breathing...some anxiety...and was refusing to eat.  I told her that the girls had made her cupcakes and asked her if she would like to try a bite. To my surprize she said YES!  We gave her one of the mini donuts...she took two bites..looked at the girls and said...THESE ARE GREAT! and smiled!  The girls were thrilled.!

And as I've's not how BIG or SMALL the's the thought that counts...simple words that say "I care".....You're in my thoughts...or I love you....

Which brings me to this....
After working really hard on my book....long hours...intense creative moments...and intense creative blocks...I go to my computer to find this on the screen from my son Alex...

while I wasn't looking...he pulled up the paint program and wrote me this note... Couldnt peel the smile off my face if you tried.............................

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