
Saturday, October 23, 2010

Laughing out loud....

I received so many emails today's  post on laughter....I really do believe it is the best medicine.  It can also help us to rationalize and make sense of tense situations.

I pretty much take my computer with me everywhere I go, and that includes the hospital.  It's not often that I get a chance to play with photoshop but today afforded me the perfect opportunity for my mind to drift into creativeland. 

I recently went to Barnes and Noble and perused Stampington's Digital Art magazine...for some reason now the exact name of the magazine escapes me...and I do appologize for that...any how...the magazine inspired me.  I love computers.  I've grown up with them all my life.  When I was a junior and senior in High School - way back when - I took graphic arts because I loved computers, words...and anything with buttons. 

I had a few minutes to combine what I love...creating...with another love...computers...with another love ...graphic arts and when you mix all of them get this....

Hope you enjoy my photo collage.  With the help of some downloaded free brushes, I designed this collage using one of Mariah's senior pictures....

So....remember to SMILE ...and always  LAUGH OUT LOUD

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