
Wednesday, November 3, 2010

I might.....but I haven't I will.... A Sneaky Peak for Thursdays's Sizzix TriplePlay Blog Hop

Kind of a catchy title huh?  You're probably wondering...what the heck is she talking about? 

Well, Im pretty sure Im not the only one who does this - that is - keep stuff forever because "I MIGHT" just need that some day...or "I can't paint that because...."..... is time for me to get real1  If you take a look inside my storage are in the garage, I literally have boxes filled with stuff I haven't seen in YEARS...clothes I haven't worn in years...because "I MIGHT" have a garage sale...or " I MIGHT" need that some day....or "I might - here's a good one - FIT INTO THAT AGAIN SOMEDAY!".... Get real LINDA!....

Well....that's what I said about one of the elements I used in creating my HOUSE for Sizzix Triple Play Blog hop that begins tomorrow and runs for the next SEVEN....count weeks!  Seven weeks of BLOG candy featuring 60 plus designers....

I've had this old cheese box on my shelf sitting there for years...and today I told myself..." havent done anything with it - in years - so why not incorporate that in your house design...and I did!  Im really thrilled with the way this has turned out and I hope you will too! 

A big thanks to Sizzix for giving us this opportunity! It's just what I needed.  It was great to design and just let it go with the flow......Above is just a little sneak peak on one of the designs that adorns my house.

Tomorrow - I'll share pictures of "My dream House"  and I can't wait to see what everyone else has created too!!!

See ya soon!

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