
Thursday, November 18, 2010

Sizzix Triple Play Blog Hop - Week 3 with Brenda Pinnick's Flower Die

This week was a challenge...not so much with the die itself, but with the color palette.  It's not colors I normally would have chosen.  S'okay though...Im up for the challenge...I mean how can you grow....uh heh...s'cuz me...BLOSSOM without a few little challenges along the way? Right?  Do I hear a HECK YEAH?!!

And so the story goes..........Blossom.....

Last week I talked about empowerment and how you have to believe in yourself and how you have to show a little "tude" along the way....and after you do all Blossom!

In keeping with my vintage chic style, I knew it had to have fabric....because...fabric is soft and tender...I wanted to create something for the wall...and I wanted to keep it very....comfy...yet powerful enough to speak to me tell me to get over life's challenges and blossom!

I think of each of the petals as one of life's journeys.....each petal shaping your life...your personality...sometimes there's little bug bites along the way that ruffle your petals...but in no way does that deter the flower from opening up...from blossoming forth in all it's glorious beauty......

As I stitched the petals, I couldn't help but go back in time to when I was about 9 or 10....I was sitting on the the living room of Grandma Campbell's was late at night and I had waited all day for this special treat.  For Grandma to get out the box!  It was a Baskin Robins box that Grandma had decoupaged fabric in this very same color pallete and trimmed it in lots and lots of red rick rac.  Inside it contained...what I thought at the time (still do...) little pieces of treasure....lace....ribbon....scraps of fabric......

We sat there on the couch together....sewing....doll clothes....little tiny stitches..until midnight when Grandpa would come home from work and Grandma would fix him fried steak n eggs......Great memories!

As I worked with this yellow, I thought two things........Honey....the sweetness of honey....and the color of my Baby Beans....the one that Grandpa gave to me...all wrapped up for no reason...."just because" he said, "I saw this and thought of you"....(by the way still have baby beans..)...

I can sit here and think of all the good times....and the little bug bites in my life....and Im glad that like the flower....I chose to learn from them...and Blossom!  I hope you do too! here's the skinny on the materials....

Sizzix Flower Die by Brenda Pinnick - cuz...with out this...there's no blossom!
Fabric....for a soft delicate touch...
Felt....cuz I felt like really because it was included in the kit....but I love felt...It's warm and cozy...
5 x 7 artist canvas....serves as the "dirt" in the project and gives the flower something to grow on....
Embroidery floss - takes me back in time......
Burlap...because I found some when I was scrounging around for stuff to use...and this totally a "me" thing..cant throw anything away...who knows where it came from...
Beads:  to add a glimmer of sparkle for those moments that really shine.
Loopy Trim...just reminded me of grass blowing about in the breeze...I know it's brown grass from lack of water...just pretend with me will ya??
Glue and Staples...the things that keep us...and this project from falling apart has words on it....and I like words.....
Soda little part in being eco-friendly...

A HUGE Thanks to Brenda Pinnick for the inspiration and the colors she chose.  Brenda teaches awesome color workshops so be sure to check out her website for all the skinny on her Color U

okay now...Hop along...Hop Along....there's lots more for you to see!


  1. Oh Linda- you have me in tears. What a wonderful memory of your Grandparents, stitching with Grandma and baby beans as a gift from a Grandpa who must have adored you!
    You project reflects the heartfelt love you have for your grandparents and I am honored that you shared this with us and that you used my die!
    hugs, hugs, hugs,

  2. I love the whole thing, colors, the story and all the details!

  3. Linda I love how thoughtful you are with all of your projects and the memories that go with them. This is such a great project- thanks for sharing!

  4. Love, love, love the hand stitching! Awesome!

  5. Beautiful! Love your handmade sewn touches!

  6. Linda, you totally rocked it. I would never guess it was a challenge!

  7. So much meaning in this project Linda, thank you for sharing. Love the special touches and your colors. This is a true "keepsake".

  8. I love your piece. It looks so fun. The stitching really gives it that homemade feel.

  9. One of my favs this week. I love your style and your stories!

  10. I love your project and the memory it comes with. I love the stiching, beautiful.

  11. This is true eye candy- loved how you combined the bright colors and stitching with the text- one of my favs on the hop for sure

  12. I love the project, the colors and the story. AND I have a BABY BEANS too! And I still have her-I let my daughter play with her now. I still have the box she came in that turns into a bed. Does yours have that too?

  13. Love the love radiating from the fabric and felt, and the words and story. You are gifted. Mahalo for sharing your gift of story and art.
