
Friday, July 29, 2011

CHA Show - Wrap UP Part 1 - Friends - Artistic Wire - Handbehg Felts and Want2Scrap

I should probably baaaaaack up  a little and show you a photo of the "buzz" at the show.  I get excited when I see great attendance and I knew that although the show was small, the attendees were buzzing with excitement.  The vibe on the floor was contageous!

It's also a great time to catch up with all your crafty friends....
(left to right - Eileen Hull, Kathy Peterson, Julianna Hudgins and myself)

If you happen to mention just how great a massage would feel "right about now" might just get what you wished for...  the lady ahead of me in line was a licensed massage therapist and offered a massage....don't think for a moment I would turn that down!

JULIANNA HUDGINS also affectionately known to me and others as "Jewels" created a  huge buzz at the Beadalon Booth with the relaunch of Artistic Wire. She created amazing wire beads allll dddaaayyy long!!! And she hardly took a break!  Get all the info about Artistic Wire and see all their colors of wire by clicking here.

  Artist Wire isn't "just" for jewelry making, it's a perfect addition to cardmaking and your mixed media projects.

Jewels also taught a class on creating a bead and wrapping it around a lime colored was to "die" for...okay..bad joke...moving on..

I visited the booth Handbehg (pronouced - Hand Bag) Felts where "there is always a project waiting to happen"  I made a really cute flower pin to put on my badge.....

I couldn't resist the charm of their booth - very inspiring.  And check out those little chicks in the lower left corner of the pics.  They reminded me of "angry birds" favorite game - EVER!!!

And I Loved loved loved the way they displayed their cards and product - FABULOUS!
To see the entire product line of Handbehg Felts click here.

Just around the corner from this both was my newest Crafty GIRLFRIEND BFF -Michele from Want2Scrap

This is by far THE best business to be in because you cross paths with so many delightful people along the way.  We met briefly and I mean "blink of an eye" briefly at CHA Winter.  I didn't know at the time, I used Michele's Want2Scrap bling flourishes on my "inspire" art canvas that  later turned into an iPhone skin - to see that post - click here 

Well...we happened to chance path's again except this time we had a chance to really talk and we bff forever girlfriends and I am so thrilled because she has some pretty amazing product.
Her product is full of BLING and coordinates beautiful and perfectly with Spellbinder's dies

For more information about Want2Scrap and to keep up with all their excitement, visit their website or the Want2Scrap Blog

That's going to wrap up Part 1 -I'll be back soon with Part 2 Featuring Spellbinder's, HeartFelt Creations and highlights from the 10 minute craft challenge.

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