
Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Blessed with Family and Friends and Charlie Bear who loves art!

 Yesterday was exciting!  I was able to share my studio space with some great friends who came over to do a little mixed media creating of their own. WE - HAD - A - BALL!!!!

I was a little nervous because Monday we were forcasted to get 8" of snow and selfish me didn't want that putting a damper on getting the girls, Donna Sue and GiGi here.

 I think this picture really describes us as a family.

 Mariah made this journal - all by herself.  I'm so proud of her!
In fact she finished several journals.

Meanwhile, My dad popped in and brought us Krispy Kreme donuts...(it's still not snowing!) He's trying to hide and not be seen, but I caught him anyways....

Donna Sue is actually a wonderfully talented scrapbooker, but today, she wanted to learn how I create mixed media I just told her - think of a BLT sandwich - {B}ackground - {L}ayers and {T} texture....I think when you liken anything to get the point!  So here's the start of her canvas as she chooses the paper...

Generally, Donna Sue is a troublemaker of sorts at our BlackBerry Creek Scrapbooking retreats, but I think it's only because she's not kept busy enough.....I found when you keep her busy....she stays outta trouble...and really doesn't talk much either! LOL....

Gigi is busy streaming you-tube video's from her phone to try out some techniques she's found....

At our last retreat, GiGi sat across from me and started a series of Canvases that will eventually spell out the phrase, "LOVE THE ART YOU CREATE" - or something like that....I know she already completed the "art" she's working on the "LOVE"... {That's us some crafty LOVE}'s still not snowing...... :(

While the Love is drying.....GiGi begin's embossing some tags for the "YOU" canvas....and Donna Sue -  in between playing "Words with friends"...which isn't really allowed during creativity time {see I told you she was a trouble maker}....she's adding more layers and texture to her canvas..

For me, I was wanting to create some Art Doll faces for canvases.  I'm so blessed to have a puppy who shares my love of art...Isn't Charlie bear cute?  {he likes to sit beside me while I work}

With a face like that - he's constantly spoiled with treats.......I think maybe I'll sign all my artwork with is pawprint...what do you think?  {and it's still NOT snowing!}

We talked, laughed, worked....and after 12 hours of creativity...well...we called it a day

and at the end of the day....... it never snowed, but we did have a blizzard of fun!  .

1 comment:

  1. Charlie Bear is too cute!!!! Love how focused that fluffy little face is!
