
Saturday, January 19, 2013

Top 5 tried and true tips for getting out of a creative slump!

Particularly this week, I've had a lot of creative ideas of diy projects swimming around in my head, but I find that once I get into my studio it's hard to focus on the exact craft project I want to do.  And beyond that, I just sit and stare, feeling so much less creative than I did before I came into the studio. It's frustrating!

I've narrowed this feeling down to simply being overwhelmed and surrounded by too much crafty goodness - and yes, I do believe you can have too much around you.

So, here's my top 5 helpful tips to get you out of your creative slump - I've personally live by these.

  1. DECLUTTER - Clean your workspace.  I like to have EVERYTHING around me, all the tools, all the products, all the trinkets, everything, but what that adds up to is clutter.  Yes, I said it...clutter! And I am the clutter queen!  De-clutter your workspace and you will de-clutter your mind.  Try to keep out only those tools necessary for the job - no more and no less. Since I have remodeled my studio space and everything has a place, I find much more ready to work when I begin at a clean space.  
  2. Select a creative theme of the day.  Instead of thinking about all the projects you want to do, narrow it down to ONE.  Unless you are an octopus and have eight arms, which I doubt, you're really only going to be able to accomplish only one project at a time.  Maybe you feel like working on jewelry? or you want to try a specific technique?  so set a priority, which one do you feel most inspired to work on now? Which one needs to be done before a specific time? Which one do I have all the materials for?  or Which one can be done in the amount of time you have to devote to the project.  Make a list if you have to and prioritize.
  3. Schedule time to play and not make anything.  Give yourself permission to just play.  What if I add some water to paint, put it in a squirt bottle and spray it thru a stencil?  What if it drips, what if...what if... what if.... What if I mix water, dishwashing liquid and paint?  Will it make it less drippy? I don't know, and don't ask someone else the answer, find out yourself, just play! Make mistakes, try to figure them out and most of all have fun and ask lots of WHAT IF questions.
  4. Limit your tools or supplies - part of being overwhelmed is that you simply are trying to use too much of what you have.  Limit your tools, supplies or color theme to just a few - maybe 5.  I promise you will find yourself more creative when you have less to work with because you will need to be more resourceful with your craft supplies.  This is often the time when I find new ways to use things or discover new techniques and happy accidents.  I discovered this really works especially when I am traveling and can only take so much with me.  Improvising with your craft supplies lends itself to creativity.
  5. Try the craft that scares you to death!  Doing the same ole same ole gets boring and it doesn't make you expand your creative mind.  I get bored very very easily.  So my suggestion to getting out of crafty rut is to try the craft that you know - or you feel you are most likely to fail at.  When I first learned how to sculpt with clay - it scared me to death, but I did it anyways.  I made little doll figurines and I loved them at the time. I made more and more and more and got better and better and even though the first polymer clay dolls I did are a face only a mother can love, I love the fact that I tried.  Don't be afraid to fail.  Failures lead to success if  you just get up, brush off your crafty self and try and try again.  
I have to remind myself to live by my rules, so these reminders are just as much for me as they are for you too!  

The last couple of day's I've been busy designing new jewelry pieces for RESTORE in Nixa, the cute little boutique full of one of a kind and unusual finds. If you're somewhat local to the Springfield, Missouri - Nixa Area - you can find these designs and more at Restore - on S. Main in Nixa 

Thought I'd give you a glimpse into what I've made.  If you're needing a gift for someone special, or you just want to treat yourself, I'd be delighted to make something special just for you - just email me

My jewelry ranges in the $25-50 range - all unique and one of a kind pieces.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Linda, thanks for your tips.

    You are so right about the clutter - my craft room is so full of junk I can't even get in there! I think that's why I am into crochet and knitting at the moment - I just do it from my living room.

    I have plans to once-and-for-all get organised (how many times have I said that?) and clear the clutter. I do so many crafts and you have reminded me that somewhere in my craft room I have a stash of Friendly Plastic. I really need to get organised so that I can have a play. I really need to make some beads.

    Thank you for your tips and Friendly Plastic inspiration.

    Hugs, Kate
    Visit my blog
