
Friday, March 8, 2013

Welcome baby Carlee Jane - The next generation of crafters

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I hope Carlee's life doesn't fly by as fast as this past week has.

It's been a week since I was working in the studio and my son Alex called.

The conversation went something like this:

Ring Ring

Me:  "hey Al - whatcha up to?"
Alex:  "hey what are you doing?"
Me: "I'm working in the studio on a new book"
Alex:  "Well, you may want to put that book down and head to the hospital, Beth is here and we're having Carlee tonight".

Wow, tonight...tonight...TONIGHT! It just didn't register!  So I headed into the house, got Mariah, changed clothes jumped in the truck, made it all the way up to the corner and FLAT TIRE! yes, not exactly the moment you need a flat tire.  I'm still trying to comprehend the words - Carlee is coming tonight along with the fact that these are the last few moments in my life as a non-grandma and the pages are about to turn.....

Okay, so I made it back to the house, FINALLY got someone to change my tire and two hours later we were at the hospital...waiting and waiting.......

About 3:30 am she decided to arrive and here I am with Mariah and Beth's sister Ashley.  We're on the floor with our ears under the door so we can hear what's going on! And...none of us wanted to miss her first cry!

And then we heard it - 3:30 AM - Baby Carlee Jane was born 6lbs and 7oz and 19 3/4" long.  
She's named after Beth's Grandpa Carl, her Grandma Evalee and my Mom, Jane Lee
I think it's the perfect name for her and so honored that they included her grandparents in the name...makes it very special.

So proud of my daughter in law and son - they have been just amazing parents!!! Not to mention that I think Carlee is the most beautiful baby in the world!

So that closes the door on my life before grandma and now I open the door and stepped right into  to the Grandma Club.  The first time I held her in my arms - I was just speechless.....

And her grandpa Dana (Grandpa D) is pretty proud of her too!  He gets her to make the cutest faces!!!!

One things for sure, Grandma is going to have a wonderful time with Carlee as she grows up and makes Carlee Crafts!!

 I'm sure that many more exciting times are ahead...this being a grandma is fun stuff!

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