
Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Burlap, Baubles and Bling - Oh My - The New Janie Lane Home collection

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I've found my calling....upcycling junk -trash to treasure - dumpster diver at heart - whatever you want to call it, I'm having a blast making it.

I've been promising Dana that I would make blinds for the front room of the house so that our African mounts won't get all sun faded.  If you've seen the inside of a Bass Pro -just imagine living it it and that is what our home is like.  I made the blinds from burlap and being that I can't throw so much as a hair of a scrap away, here's a peek at what I've designed for the Janie Lane Home Collection

To keep up with all the latest makes - please follow the Janie Lane Home Collection on Facebook -CLICK HERE

 I'm also playing around with bits and pieces of left over chicken wire and have loads of ideas of things to create.  Above is a wreath that I made - I acid washed the chicken wire to age and patina it.

Christine, the owner of Restore in Nixa, decided to give her handbag a little decoration with one of my burlap quilted hearts. - Love this idea!!

It's always trash to treasure around here! It's so much fun to upcycle and recycle throw aways into decorative art!

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