
Wednesday, February 28, 2007


I've just come home from the "Stitches" show in Birminham, England. All I can say is - Wow! What an awesome experience. I did get to spend about 6 hours in Frankfurt, Germany on the way there, unfortunately though, didnt get to see Germany at all except from the air. I was sponsored by ALL ABOUT CRAFTS to demonstrate the techniques from my bead book. Beading is such a new and up and coming category there. The British are very much into papercrafts and handmade cards. Knowing this, I didnt quite know how well the jewelry and beading tools would be recieved. I found the retailers hungry to learn these new techniques and have several opportunites to return again later this year for workshops.

Unfortunately, there wasnt much time to sightsee, but I did get to go shopping one afternoon and drop a few "pounds" at the "Bull Ring" shopping center. This building was part of the shopping area - a contemporary design amongst old architecture. Next, there is Gill and I in front of one of the old churches just outside the honeycomb building. Can you believe these are the only two good photo's i have?

Ladies...the clothing there is beautiful....and to say the least somewhat expensive, but none the less beautiful. The architecture of the old buildings, the friendlness of the British people was simply inspiring. Gill - my hostess, and I had a great time. She is one of the funniest people Ive ever met and we sat at night after the show just laughing at each other and how we talk. Can't wait to go back!
Next week Im off to Cleveland to represent several companies and tape short segments for AC MOORE in-store video, a retail store on the east coast.
That's all about that - I'll be posting creative stuff next!!

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