
Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Mark your calendars - Darling Dachshund Pens on Carol Duvall


Darling Dachshund Pens are back on The Carol Duvall Show (Check the listings for the show times - generally 7:30 am central time)

This is by far one of my most popular shows. Who can resist these cute adorable characters??

On the show I'll show you how to create this adorable little dachshund. What a great gift for a dach-sy owner!! Maybe you don't want to stop there. The POLYPENS book features other adorable little pups along with a host of other pen set projects to keep for yourself or give as gifts. I have to admit...once you make'll be addicted.

Polypens book - $12.99 with free shipping and signed by me! Check the side bar to order your copy today!

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