
Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Today was the awards ceremony for the BUTTERFLIES take flight Friendly Plastic Challenge. All entries will benefit the Holocaust Museum in Houston Texas as they are collecting 1.5 million butterflies symbolizing the lives of children that were lost during that aweful regime.

It was quite moving to hear personal stories read about the pain and suffering that these people went through.

This challenge will also be held again for CHA 2010. I'll have details when they are available.

Jana and I are here with Mylene from Australia-a new friend- and fellow member of our Friendly Plastic yahoo group. She won in two categories! Absolutely beautiful!

This is our Co-demonstration. Jana's beautiful faux dichroic friendly plastic pieces and my bezels and bails.

Butterlies taking flight

I can say that there are some new and exciting things that Jana and I will be working on for AMACO. I think you'll be very excited!!! (but I can't tell them now)
Time to get ready for the show............

Monday, January 26, 2009


Here's a picture of AMACO's press kit display. The box and frame are out of Friendly Plastic and If I do say so myself....they are quite eye catching. Dawn said this is one of the best display's we've had in a while. I was thrilled that she liked them, because I had to take over the kitchen with plastic to do this and Dana was NOT happy about that.

Yesterday was the first day of the show. We were swamped!!! and exhausted at the end of the day! And sorry...I just didnt have time to take pictures. I will today though, it's the awards ceremony for the "Butterflies take Flight" dedicated to the holocaust. I will get pictures of that.

Jana and I were swamped doing a collaberative demonstration between her friendly plastic pieces and my bezels and bails. We were thrilled that it was so well received.
The show is much smaller this year, with more of a focus on back to the basics. Lots of acrylic and plastic beads are being incorporated into bead making. With the economy the way it is, I believe consumers are going to want to craft, but will be very cautious about the products they use. The average ticket sale is down considerably as the economy reflects less spending.
I do want to say a big thank you to Tim Holtz at RANGER for his contribution of Adirondak Alcohol inks for our demo's and to ThermOWeb for their contribution of double stick super tape. It was a big part of making our demo's successful.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Live from CHA Winter 2009 in Aneheim - Day One

Yep...for the next few days it's Live from Gloomy's rainy and yucky! But, while the weather may be gloomy, its always great to see old friends and make new ones! Today is fly in day and set up day. It's amazing to me that the convention center can literally go from a a beautiful bright center of creativity over night.

Jana Ewy and I are here to promote Friendly Plastic and ArtEmboss Metals. Our demonstration will be a collaberative one. So if you are visiting, be sure to come back EVERY DAY...Jana will be giving away a beautiful cuff bracelet and there are prizes every day too...just visit booth 5017.

What Jana does with this medium is nothing short of amazing, beautiful actually there are no words to describe the beauty and creativity that she puts into each piece. Definately check out her link and see her amazing work.

I know that the choice medium is polymer clay...but really gals, I see that Friendly plastic has some exciting upscale gallery like possibilities and it you don't at least give it a'll be sorry......

Jana and I spent all day literally oohing and ahhing...collaberating, was just so much fun! It's soooo nice to be with a fellow designer and artist who just "gets it"....gets your enthusiasm...gets your creativity....just get's it.

Today....we set up...tomorrow is the first day of the show....

Yes, Im taking pictures and i'll give you a little inside look at the show....

Monday there will be an award ceremony and refreshments beginning at 11 AM for the designer challenge. This years theme is Butterflies... remembering all the children's lives that were lost during the Holocaust.

Anything you want me to look for specifically...send me an email...
until tummy's telling me it's time for breakfast!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Im leaving on a jet plane.........

Do you remember the song... "Im leavin on a jet plane....don't know when I'll be back again...Oh babe I hate to go?!?!?!?!?......" This song was popular back in the late 60's....I was three or four.

My mom taught me to sing, because if I was singing, she could always keep tabs on me and know where I was. Those were the days when - when you got a little older like 5 you could go to the toy aisle at K-Mart all by yourself....singing.... Well.. at least I thought I was all by myself, my mom was just a couple aisles over keeping tabs on me.....

One time we were on a camping trip at HWY 13 Boat Dock in Kimberling City, Missouri. We went there every year on vacation. I was maybe 3 or 4 and you know...I had to "go"....and no one was I walked my self to the bathroom. Well....when my mom realized I was gone, you can just imagine the panic....she ran all over to try to find me until this lady said....
"Are you looking for a little girl - about 3 or 4? and of course my mom said...YES!

"Well, I dont know if this is the little girl you are looking for " she said. "But, there is a little girl in the bathroom just down the way, singing her heart out!" And then mom found me.... And oh was I in truuubblllee.......

Im sitting in the airport now, on my way to CHA - Finally! And that song just popped into my head. Funny how a song can bring back such fun memories! And by the aunt Molly used to bribe me with quarters to sing that song and I never would.... now that I think back, that was a pretty sweet deal!

More from CHA tomorrow!!!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A Royal Update

"My daddy can sixit" I used to say when I was little. He was just the greatest! If it broke....He could fix it! And even though Im grown up and 40-ish....he can still fix everything. And that's why he's here at my fix the clutch in my car. (I get my lead foot from him...and I LOVE to drive stick shift cars)...

I just finished reading and showing my Prince of Dad the blog post about the princess party .....and his comment....."THAT'S IT?!?!?!?!?! IM A FROG? That's where it ends???" Then he laughed and said...I think I'll have to go home now....Im just a frog....."

I think he was feeling a little left know..because we drove all the princes away for the night..(I think they went to Bass Pro).... the midst of the party....we ran out of ice, so my dad and a few other princes came to the rescue....... And what happens next is history....

Before this....I stuck my tiara on his head and took his picture...but this one is priceless........The royal couple who's been together for nearly 48 years!
No no Dad....your not just a frog.........Your beautiful inside and out! and I love you FIRST handsome prince!
So go on.....Celebrate Creativity.....Celebrate Love....Celebrate LIFE!

Monday, January 19, 2009

A day for a fit for a Princess...or Princesses....

I've shared alot of personal stories on this blog. Mostly I write for me, because every once in a while I go back and look at all the things Ive done or things that have happened. Like I've posted before, sometimes you don't know where you are.....until you know where you've been!
And so this post, while it's personal, there's a creative side to it.

Everyone....and I don't care who you are.....young or old, whatever color your skin, tall or small, thick or thin, disabled or abled.....should be Princess for a day - deserves to be princess for a day!

Once again, that mean ole word - CANCER has attacked our family. It's a horrible word, it's a horrible illness! But this time it's not Mariah, It's my dear mother. Last October she was diagnosed with rather invasive breast cancer. She was so ill, she wound up in the hospital. And while she was there - I refused to leave her side. I slept in a chair that I swear if I could spend more time in it - I'd have some rockin abs!.... But through that hospital visit - we laughed and laughed and laughed. Believe it or not! My mom has some silly antics and now I know where I get them. It was like taking care of Mariah again only this time she was just older.

Anyways.....I promised myself, that I will NEVER take for granted every moment that I can spend with my parents, I will never regret "not saying things I should have"....good things I mean. I can never say I love you enough and I can't have a long enough hug.....I will never have any regrets ! It really was life changing.....again!

Apparently, that is the way many of our friends from the local Kingdom Hall in Nixa felt as well. And through their love and support, my mother has made remarkable progress from literally not being able to get out of bed to being able to P-A-R-T-Y! Never EVER underestimate the power of friendship and prayer - and friends to cook dinner for ya!

Imagine how suprized I was when I opened up an invitation to a princess party...I thought it was probably for one of the girls....but was for Princess Jane.

This is my beautiful princess mother!...In all her princess glory and bling........

This is the amazing yummy cake............

Friends are like fine jewels......

And these are a couple of the friends that hosted the party.......They went all out on the decorations.....and the costumes. Young and old were princess for the day....we had little ones there barely a year old to the more mature ones. close to 70...

This is a beautiful picture painted by a jewel of a friend Karen S. expecially for mom with a sweet poem sentiment expressing how much she loves my mom's friendship.

And these.....are the about bling! Just look at the creativity in that will ya? Those center pieces were all hand made....!!!

And this is Dad! ....... I thought this was funny...because every Princess has to meet their handsome prince. Well...this royal couple will celebrate their 48th wedding anniversary in just a few short months.
My mom received cards with handwritten poems, artwork, hand made was amazing and overwhelming. All just for being her. WOW! She is known as a giving person - she loves to make quilts and if she knows you ...and you're getting married or having a baby - generally she will make a commemorative quilt for you...she loves to sew....she loves to give.
Thanks girls and everyone who put so much work and effort into this party! It may have been for her....but what they gave to me...and the memories of my moms special day are priceless. The memories are branded in my heart and will remain forever. I love you all.......
I love you princess........ I love you MOM!

Friday, January 16, 2009


It's that time a year. I know what's happening in hundreds of designer studio's now....the fierce crunch time to make samples, tweek techniques, plan demo's and we're running out of time. It's like studying for a major exam....only WAY more fun!...still the stress...but stilll more fun!

Again this year Jana Ewy and I will be demonstrating for AMACO. This year with a twist.... a combined effort with her friendly plastic designs and my faux metal bezels and settings.

And again Amaco is hosting a challenge to support a cause. This year, the theme is butterflies - one butterfly for each of the millions of children who lost their lives in the Holocaust.

Please take a moment to visit this link to see the entries and reflect on the millions of lives that were lost in that terrible disgusting regime. Also there is information on how to participate in the designer e-newsletter - so sign up!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

It's official......Im old!

Well...right now Im looking at two pictures.....the first is a picture in my mind of the day my little guy Alex went to kindergarten back in 1994. I remember how lost I was without him that day. I was so used to him being there....and now he was in school. the picture in my mind is of yesterday when my not-so-little guy Alex called me on his way to school again - his first day of college. He's got a two year scholarship!

I can't tell you just how proud I am of Alex. He's a smart and I must say Good-looking kid with a creative mind - and although he's not going for an art degree.....he is going for an architectual just as creative in my mind. I've seen some of his drawings and they just blow me away. He's amazing! And I couldn't be more proud of him - ALEX!!! if you are reading this blog...WAY TO GO !!!! SON!!! You're amazing and I'm so proud of you!

And's official........ Im OLD! THANKS! - Ummmm.....just don't make me a grandma anytime soon!

Thanks for letting me share a creative milestone in our family!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

More readers thoughts and CHA coming up!

Seems the subject of OOHHS and AHHHHS is still creating lots of on:

Paula writes:

Dear Linda,
When I go to a craft show and find something I just love and would be so easy to reproduce but it's not quite like I would like it, I buy it! You see so many creative things at shows and can't possibly remember all the things you want to make. It acts as a reminder and you can use the basic idea and make it your own. I have a drawer in my craft room for such things as "sample projects" I want to make later, or the many "make and takes" from shows as a mini idea vault. Not to mention the many Carol Duvall Show projects from you and all the regulars from her show in a binder. Yes, it's easy to make some of these things but it's the creativite idea that can be difficult to come up with. And I also like to have the artists sign their work. Hope to see you on the air again soon!

I like what Paula's sort of like killing two birds with one stone. Sometimes we get stuck and just need a little creative kick in the bum to get our inspiration back. Purchasing from fellow artists not only supports them, but sometimes can give us that little kick in the bum we need - take the inspiration and then add our own interpretation to it.

Thanks to Paula and everyone for their comments!

With CHA coming up, it's crunch time. I think I drive on creative stress! Seems like that's when Im more creative. In the next couple of weeks, I'll be working on designing three new kits for FIMO - which Im excited about and I'll be able to release details later... I also have to design some promotional materials for Friendly Plastic for AMACO's press kits and next months POMS. So it will be a busy busy week.

The Polymer Clay POM will feature the theme of LOVE....and Hmmm.....Ivegot a couple of ideas in the works for the jewelry pom. It will have some polymer clay in it.

Im always open to suggestions for the poms...- remember it's your club!! I've enjoyed all the members comments - so keep em coming!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Reader's thoughts

Helen H from Seattle writes......

Oh...and I just loved your recent blog. I loved your response to the lady listing everything needed and how to do it. You know she thought about it all day and realized that it was too much work and she wouldn't do it. LOL...

I signed up for both of your clubs this morning. They are great inspiration for me, but more importantly I love supporting other polymer artists, especially you. It was very different for me years ago. I never purchased from another polymer clay artist. I don't know why, it's weird. Then after my first Ravensdale in 1998 that I attended, I kicked myself for not purchasing things, especially from my teachers. After that, the next Ravensdale, I decided that I'm going to purchase something from at least one of my teachers. What a turn around for me. I really enjoy each and every item that I've purchased from other polymer artists. They are so special and are treasured. Its like a "collection". It is best from a new artist and know you got one of their "first" pieces.

I still share a similar view - It's like a collection. I began mine figurine collection in the 80's when I went to a craft show called War Eagle in Arkansas. Donna Chapman had adorable miniature little dolls and figurines made from some sort of plasticy thing or so I thought at the time. I would save my money every year and as soon as the ropes were dropped I would run to her booth to get mine. Each was different, had a different expression and it took me a LONG time to pick my figurine out. I did that for about 8 years. I loved looking at how they her interests would change and all the delicate details.

I, like Helen, could kick myself so many times over for not purchasing items from artists I admired...but not anymore...if I see it...and It touches my soul....It's MINE!

Support the arts!

UPDATE: Just as I posted this, I received another email from Cathy M. who has a slightly different take. It believe this has happened to many of us crafty people who have non-crafty relatives:

Hi, Linda!
I actaully have a little twist on this subject....
I always get my family coming back from the crafts shows or wherever, telling all the wonderful items they saw (even taking the pictures), and then saying "YOU can make that!!!" And then, expecting me to! "I saw such and such" at the crafts fair, and I REALLY liked it. But I did not want to pay that much money for it, b/c I know YOU can make it, right?"
And I, knowing how much work and talent goes into a lot of these items, generally have no clue!!!

Cathy M.

If people only knew how much time and effort it takes to make, take, sell, purchase all the displays, work all week, sell all weekend have a family ...and on and on and on.... they may consider that they just purchased it for a bargain price!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Oh...I Can Make That!.........

I used to hear that all the time when I worked craft shows.......(I'd want to just roll my eyes in disgust everytime I heard it too...) One day, I got a hair-brained blonde idea...... I decided that the next person who said that to me, I would tell them just how to make it. And I did. Told them all the materials to buy, all the colors they would need, showed them how to roll the shapes....everything - except an actual project sheet. And...they left, not buying anything. I think that was early in the the end of the show, the same person came back to admit that she had spent alot of money on all that stuff and had failed, so she was back to purchase from me. This worked method worked very well. While some will have success but most might not be as successful as they hoped and others - once they see the money they need to invest would rather just buy the finished product from you.

My post about how I started into this business generated alot of great emails. One particular email from a fellow crafter who lives in Missouri wrote me asking for her help. Despite having sites on Etsy and paying for online advertising she receives a lot of "OOOOoohs and Ahhhhs" but as she says very little sales.

When I was doing craft shows in the midwest, I experienced similar oohs and ahhhs along with "my husband (or I) can make that" or..." YOU WANT $$$$ FOR THAT?!?!?!?" The midwest is very craft saavy and we have loads of chain craft stores to prove it. Before I was in the crafts business I was guilty of the same OOOhhs and Ahhhs and "Oh...I won't buy that - I'll make it myself". The problem was I never made it myself.....never took the time and so I never got anything I ooohhed and aahhed about. One time when I was setting up for a craft show, I saw the lady in the next booth proudly displaying a sign "Yes, I know you're husand can make it....he never will!" Aptly stated! And from that moment forward I took on a new attitude.

I hope to spread this same attitude amongst all the OOOhher's and Aaaaher's who surf the web oohhing and ahhing over other artists work. Yes you probably can make it....NO you probably wont and so why not show appreciation for a variety of art expression by purchasing from fellow artists - even if they work in your same medium!

Don't get me wrong, we all need inspiration,and it's okay to look, but if it's something you really like...something that really touches your inner soul...for heaven's sakes...BUY IT! TREASURE IT! and then think about the artist when you wear it or look at it. You'll really be alot happier in the end.

Sunday, January 4, 2009


It's here! I've just finished with the final touches for the first project in the Multi-Media Jewelry POM 2009 series! Learn how to make this Tri-Color bracelet with common materials!
In this POM club - we'll focus on the latest styles, unique techniques and create some really amazing designer jewelry. These are all new, NEVER before published projects.
You'll learn how to create pendants, beads, earrings, bracelets from scratch using raw materials. At least one piece of every project will be created by hand. I'll even give you ideas on how to vary the projects using these basic recipes.
If you enjoy working with polymer clay, metal, fibers and textiles this club is for you. While we will be including alot of polymer clay....not all projects will feature this medium.
Each month you'll receive exclusive access to the Jewelry POM blog featuring all kinds of tips, items of interest and loads of inspiration along with the featured project. Full step by step color photographs guiding you through the creative process. Four new videos will be shot throughout the year as a member exclusive. It's like a TV segment on your time, the you can stop, re-wind, re-watch...whenever you choose.
As of this time I do not have an editorial calendar..BECAUSE...the end of this month is the annual CHA Winter Trade Show in Aneheim, CA. I want to research the latest and greatest of styles and techniques.
A year's membership is only $40 (All the projects - all the tips and all the videos). Sign up for both and receive a $10 discount. Members of the Polymer Clay POM club are eligible for the discount as well.
If you have any questions about the club - feel free to email me!
Just Click on the link on the side bar to order! I look forward to having you join!

Friday, January 2, 2009

It's a New Year! Will Your Creative Dreams Come True?

I've received several emails the past couple of days from readers who've expressed a desire to sell their artwork, do craft shows, write books, design...all sorts of creative things. All I know is, "If you can dream it, you can do it!" You just have to want it bad enough! Or maybe you have to get hungry enough :o). WARNING: YOu might want to get a cup of coffee to read this, I'm going to be a little chatty!

I've had several people encourage me along the way to get where I am and I'd like to share that story with you.

You are probably aware that Mariah, my now 17 year old, was diagnosed with a brain tumor at 10 weeks old. As a result, she spent the next 7 years in and out of hospitals. I was always crafty and at the time she was born, Rag Jackets were all the rage and I was sewing my little heart out making one after another. I actually wore two of them into complete rags, I wore them so much! Anyways, I worked on crafts in the hospital and one nurse encouraged me to sell at craft shows. When I say you have to be hungry enough.... I mean hungry.... funds were very low and I took the last $500 we had and invested it in baby clothes to embellish and pay for the booth space for a craft show that was at a local mall. We were either going to "make or break it". That $500 turned into $1500 at the craft show and so my business "Mariah's Collection" was born.

So, for the next 10 years, I traveled regionally doing every craft show I could find. But you know after 10 years, it gets kind of old! Dragging tons of stuff all over creation was wearing on my creativity. That's when I decided to try to break in to the design side of the business.

Let me tell you....that was HARD! There are so many talented and creative people in the design business. I attended my first ACCI trade show in 1997 in Chicago. I had met a girl on the internet named Ginny who had been to this show the previous year. We roomed together and she introduced me to Donna Kato and Barbara McGuire - two of the most famous designers in polymer clay! The show totally overwhelmed me and I went home excited, scared, and a little um......downhearted thinking I could never be like them.

A year passed and I happened to see Barbara online. We chatted and she asked me if I would work a couple hours at the trade show at their booth. (Seriously!??!?!?!? ME??? - was running through my head...) She said she would pay $50 and give me $50 in clay - DONE! And so I was able to demonstrate what little I knew to store buyers and well, whoever wanted to stop and listen.

That was the year that I really got to know Barbara and Donna. During Donna's demo's she stood there and answered my every question, showing me a ton of techniques, was so kind and giving of her knowledge. She told me that if I wanted to succeed - I had to give! A lesson that has proved so true many times.....

Six months later, I received a call from Barbara McGuire again, this time inviting me to HIA in California to demonstrate. So here I am, the newbie demonstrating characters in between Barbara on one side and Donna on the other.....think I felt intimidated???? you betcha! Not because THEY made me feel that way...but because I felt that way. This was also a momentus year for me because at this show my character book "Little Folks and Friends" was released with success. It was a milestone....well.. or at least a tiny pebble on the path. I was thrilled to be published at last!

It didn't end there. Barbara and I went to the lobby of one of the nearby hotels. She needed to talk to her book editor about some details of her latest book. While we were there talking to him, she introduced me. Before I knew it she said "Linda has a great concept for a book - can you meet us on Sunday?" (this was Thursday) - I think the look on my face was priceless! It had to be somewhere between a suprize - I do??? to Yes I DO! Yep, before I knew it, Barbara had set a meeting up with him. When he left, she turned to me and said " Don't worry we'll come up with something!" And we did. They loved the concept of polymer clay for home decor.
She also introduced me to all her Carol Duvall producers and tried her hardest to get me on the show.

So....returning home I wrote the book proposal only to have it snatched from under me and the concept given to a more "famous" author. Oh learn! I learned! And Im still a little ticked about it...but you know...oh well........

From that point on I went to every ACCI and HIA. Donna and Barbara continued to mentor me. About 5 years had passed. Donna was developing her own clay and was stepping away from AMACO and the Fimo line. About this time, I was getting really discouraged. I was somewhat successful...but not really making any money at it. I had a few magazine projects in print - but I was turned down time and again for Carol's show.... and to top it all off, I had a husband at the time who was less than supportive, thought I was living a "Pipe dream" as he called it. And forbid me to go to the show.....well thank goodness I didn't listen to HIM!

I went to the ACCI show the summer of 2001 and broke down in tears when I saw Donna. Everything that could go wrong had. The booth I was working at didnt show up, my class supplies were missing, my clothes had gotten ruined (long story) I stubbed my toe on a wood pallette and got a splinter......and I said Donna, can you please help me???? Oh my goodness!

She introduced me to so many people that show. And by the end of the show, I had gotten approved to be on the Carol Duvall show, landed a demonstrating/designing position with AMACO and even signed a book contract! So....I wasn't living a "pipe dream" after all.

And that's when my career took took 5 long years of constant No's and "your not good enufs" to get there.

In September of 2001, I left my abuse marriage and things started looking up in both my ersonal life and creatively ever since. There were definately some hard times to deal with and still some NO's....but they were fewer and far between. Now 7 years later, I'm re-married to DANA, the man of my dreams who is fully supportive of my art work. He's been a fantastic partner and business manager. I think the thing we argue the most is that he doesnt feel I get paid what Im worth!! How bout that to go from someone who doesnt think you're worth a dime to someone who thinks you aren't getting paid enough!! He's been my cheerleader and supporter. ( I love you babe! and THANKS from the bottom of my heart!) I now have 8 books, several TV shows, I've toured the country and world teaching, I consult and write projects, I have a wonderful POM club - 4 great kids! And still the best mentors in the world!

I think about all that this time of year, where I've been, where Im at now, especially since at the end of the month we'll have the CHA show and I'll be working the AMACO booth again for the 8th year in a row.

Now, I know I was long winded at that story...but maybe you've experienced or are experiencing something similar. My advice? YOUR WORTH IT! Follow your dreams! You can do it! Just put yourself and your work out there and dont take the "no's" personal. We all get them more than we care too!

So make 2009 your best creative year and look back on where you were and where you are now and think ahead to where you want to be creatively?

I don't know if there's any way I can ever thank Barbara or Donna enough for the support and help they gave me along the way. The best I can do is to give as they give!

Will your creative dreams come true in 2009??? I sure hope so.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

THANKS FOR YOUR RESPONSE!!! POM CLUB's 2007.....BLINK its 2008......BLINK it's 2009. Does time fly by that fast for you?

Can you believe it? Another year gone by! This year my son Alex will be 20, Mariah will be 18, Elise will be a teenager and Julia will be the big "8".
We've had a rather calm week this week. No deer to process - no meat to put up. (Did I mention we put up 130 of burger & sausage Christmas day?) Alex rode his motorcycle, Mariah went to visit her great grandma, Elise went snowskiing with a friend in Colorado and Julia was home playing chef. She's decided that she wants to be a Chef when she grows up. She's actually been doing a little cooking this week and setting the table like a fine restuarant. She's even made menu's to pass out to us - completely with a dessert menu. It's so cute to watch her grow up.
I was working out in the studio a couple of days ago, when she brought me her latest creative dish......Check this out.... It's a hand dipped butter pecan ice cream topped with a chocolate covered cherry, a chocolate covered grahm cracker and fresh pears......How cute is that?

And here she is......with her very own recipe for garlic bread. Emeril would be proud.

Sorry I can't help bragging.........

I've had an overwhelming response to the Free Project offer on the pom club....I'm with you, I love free stuff too! Who doesn't?

I just wanted to thank everyone who requested the free project. I received so many requests, I wasn't able to answer them all. If you requested the project and haven't received it yet, please let me know. I think I'm finally all caught up.

The January POM is out - with special hints and tips only for POM club members.

Next, I'll be working on the Multi Media Jewelry POM club. This months project will include techniques such as embossing copper turning them into beads. I'll show you how to form copper rods into the bracelet. You won't need any special tools - just a hammer, come ArtEmboss Copper, silver wire and WireForm brass rods.
This bracelet has received HUGE compliments everytime I wear it from men and women alike.

More details on the club this weekend. The project will be out on Monday.
Have a Happy CREATIVE New Year everyone!