
Monday, August 9, 2010

Swamped in creativity!

I just shared this photo with all my facebook hopes of making you feel better about your creative workspace...or in my case..lack of space.

I want so much to be organized in my creative studio...but it is just impossible to do when you are in a creative mode.  I find that one thought spurs another....which requires a new product...which requires a place to put it...which takes up space....and the cycle begins....but it's a good thing.

I am lovin this time of year because for the third year in a row, I've signed another book contract which gives me creative license to jump right in and create, design...and adorn myself with new jewelry!

This book will feature metal work...from the beginning using common materials found in your home to slightly more advanced techniques with brass, copper and silver.  This is exciting...and here's a little sneak peak..

this fun and funky design is made with brass and copper....and you wont believe how easy it is!!!

I just posted new classes to CrafTECH University and sent out a Campus if you've havent signed up for the newsletter, you can do so on the top right bar on this blog.  Love to have you join us.

It's back to creative time for me!!!...

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