
Friday, October 15, 2010

Hug your Momma! Today - Tomorrow and Always!

So kind of a personal blog today....

My Mom is in the hospital suffering the effects of cancer and an infection.  She did really well for the past two years, but recently had a setback.  Today though, we received a bit of bright news, that the setback is from an infection - not the spread of tumor.  In fact, the new therapy she is on is working well and doing it's job! 

My Dad was grinning ear to ear, as were we all when the Doctor told us the news.

Of course I had to blast this great news to all my facebook friends and one of them responded with this - which I thought I would share with you:

Everyone should hold their mommies close, hug them, kiss them and tell them how wonderful life is with them in the world !!!

Thanks Kelly!!! Those words are soooo true and I'm so blessed that I still have my mom close to hug and tell her how much she means to me and to thank her for all the sacrafices she has made throughout her life to give me the best.  I LOVE HER!

 Have you hugged your Momma today? 

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