
Tuesday, November 9, 2010

A funny thing happened on the way home......... Gettin' the boot!

My family knows me all too well........I'll dive for anything....Im a packrat....Im a might need it someday person...I embrace that...I embrace junk....funky junk....but it has to be classy junk....

On the way to the studio today....Hubby and I noticed a cowboy boot....just one....standing straight up on the side of the road... ( I guess at this point I want to say...who loses just one boot?)...but ..none the less...there it lay...or maybe it was like a little lost puppy, sitting there so curiously on the side of the road waiting for someone to come along and feel sorry for it, scoop it up...clean it up and love it up....

I don't know....but really,  I never gave it much thought...until tonight....on our way home.
There it lay.....this time ...on it's side.... I suppose it was tuckered out from watching the traffic go by all day and no one stopped.....maybe a little depressed and in despair....(im feeling a little sorry for the boot about now aren't you?)..
And hubby said....."there's the boot ...still there....Im suprized you havent scooped it up and steampunked it by now..."

I don't know why...but I did look at him a little suprized.....and thought..."Does he really know me that well???"  I suppose he does...he knows I'll save anything I can....and now...after reading this ....Im wondering about the's gonna get cold tonight....and I suppose if I see it there tomorrow....I'll have scoop it up...clean it up...and love it up...

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