
Tuesday, December 7, 2010

When the boy's go hunting..................


I think Dana was feeling a little sorry for me this weekend.  He was on his annual deer camp hunting trip to the farm in Iowa and he left me behind thinking all the time "HE" was the one going to have fun...while I had to stay home and go to a scrapbooking retreat....Oooohhhhh...pooor me.... ...

So to put this in better perspective.....Iowa is barely above  25 degrees the whole time that he's there running around outside like a little boy chasing deer through the woods......freezing and 13 other girlfriends are snug as a bug at Blackberry Creek Bed and Breakfast retreat crafting to the smell of delicious pies in the oven permeating the air, fresh ground coffee and listening the the crackle of the dirty cell phone........whaddya say girlfriends....who got the better end of that deal???

So let me tell you about this retreat...In fact plans are in the works to hold a very special Art N Soul spa retreat at this location next fall....and here's a little glimpse of what awaits you......

Blackberry Creek Retreat is nestled in the Ozark mountains, 22 miles from Springfield Missouri in a rural community.  This property boasts 44 acres of woods, hiking trails, ponds, wildlife and a 6000 square foot Bed N Breakfast facility that is so inviting and so warm...I swear you never want to leave!!!  (seriously...they had to push me out the door)...


Our hosts are Mark and Dixie


The sweetest couple you'd ever want to meet.  They were so hospitable and their know me and food......let me just say three letters ... T D F (too die for)... Mark prepared the most gourmet meals, with help of Dixie and her delicious salads and desserts....oh we were spoiled!!!! take a look...


 Since we were secluded, snug and cozy....without cell service I might add......we spent the night scrapbooking, papercrafting, laughing and giggling just like little girls in high school....

(So...I ask Donna Sue for a hole punch and she hands me this ..."THING" which I have NO idea how to use....which is usually the other way around - usually she's askin' me.....joke's on me this time...) And of course that's a kodak moment.....

craftin in your jammies is always a plus......and don't forget your cute slippers too!!!

...Some of us didnt go to bed until 5:30am...

but at that point ....what's the point of bed?.....just crawl on over and sleep in a chair next to the fireplace.....

 or better yet....just stay where you are and take a snooze....uh...I mean ...power nap!

 and then wake up to the sweet smell of roasted coffee, the warm glow of the fireplace....breakfast cooking and sit down to more of this....

 and this.....gettin hungry yet?????

By now I think I've morphed into a roly-poly..... Im just stuffed!!!!  But that didnt stop me from making a mess....

they all laughed because I brought my paper, inks, scissors, glue, a gallon of Mod Podge, paint, computer, printer AND my sewing machine...yep I had it all....and they laughed....but...I used it all....and I created some stuff that I'll share with you later on that Im really proud of.......

I'm still grinnin from ear to ear....nothin better than great friends, creativity....and lots and lots of  laughter to sooth your soul .....

I'll have a major announcement coming up in January so make sure check back...or better yet, sign up for the newsletter so you don't miss it!!!!

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