
Friday, February 4, 2011

Coming back from CHA!

It was my "intention" that I would blog every day and take loads of pictures when I was in California at the recent CHA trade show....but the reality the morning...I was scurrying to get out the door to the show....during the day..I hustled and bustled and at night...I was completely exhausted and said..."oh I'll do that in the morning.."...welll...

Morning's came and went ...and now Im back in Snowmegeddon enjoying the lovely 12" of snow we got during our first official blizzard in at least 30 years.  I can never remember blizzard warnings EVER living here in southwest Missouri....

Although, I didn't meet my quota of blogging and even  picture taking, for that matter ...I did manage to get a few quick pictures on the run. 

Just a few days before...I received a comment from the "Dish Girls" on my blog...and what do you know...I turned the corner and there they were!!  Couldn't pass up this photo op!!  Always great to meet new friends and share inspiration!

Tiffany Windsor of Cool2Craft and Kathy Cano-Murillo aka Crafty Chica and I are taking a moment to catch up before the show ends....

Ken Oliver from Unibind was "in d house" early during our Cool2Craft LIVE from CHA broadcast showing us more tips on how to use the Photobook Creator....


And Suede from Project Runway came on the Cool2Craft show to share his new line of fashion by Simplicity patterns! (Girls...these designs are awesome!) Even got my own "signed" pattern!


It's a good thing that a group of us hired our own personal photographer - Kim Wink - to take pictures of all of us during the show.  Kim said she took over 1500 pictures!!! WOW!  Can't wait to see them  and share them with you.....

For me personally it was a FAN TASTIC show.  I always look forward to my time with AMACO manufactuers of Friendly Plastic, Cloud Clay and ArtEmboss metals.  They are such a great company to work with and for.  Their products are those that I truely believe in and proud to be on their design team. 

I spent my "off" hours networking, meeting with manufactueres and "tooting" my horn - which if you know me...isn't something I really like to do.  But, I think for the first time in a LONG time, I felt good about who I am, what I am and what I can offer it was a good thing for me to do and Im proud that I was met with some fantastic opportunities which I'll share more about in the future as they come to life....

While I didnt take much time to walk the show...lots of my friends did.  So...I invite you to hop to their blogs to see their personal take on what was the latest and greatest of the show:

Julie McGuffee - - Life in the Craft Lane
The CraftCritique -

On Monday we did a LIVE two hour special broadcast from CHA - CLICK HERE to view part 1

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