
Saturday, December 3, 2011

It's supposed to snow....seriously?

It's amazing to me all the stuff I learned on facebook.  Like the weather forecast...major snow storm on Monday?  Hmmm...gotta check that out.  I say bring it on.  When it's snowing outside, some people like to coze up with a book or a movie.  Not me - I wanna hunker down in the glitteryest, most colorful, full of crafty junk place I can find and create, paint, blog..and just plain get messy.

It's been a gloomy month of November here in the hollars of the Ozark Mountains, actually quite depressing.  But it's during that time like those that I go off in the far off corners of my studio and draw, create, let my mind wander and I'm always suprized with what I unveil.  Not everything is neat and pretty.  Sometimes it's just doodles....but SOMETIMES... it's this kinda stuff that I want to share...

I have so many - SO MANY crafting passions that it's hard to focus on one.  My first love is, and always will be polymer clay, making characters and jewelry.  But lately, I've been focusing on mixed media everything, painting on everything, using everything, mixing up everything and making lots and lots of drawings and canvas art.  I love when you can take bits and pieces of artwork, cut them up and create new artwork from them. 

There's something about the face that intriques me.  I draw LOTS of faces...bodyless faces most of the time.  Much of my past drawings have been whimsical characters, but lately, I've been focusing on people faces

combining them with words and feelings.....

and when it's all put magically appears...

I'm fortunate to get to spend the next month up to my ears in mixed media creativity as I design the projects for my next book.  - I'lll keep you up to date how it's going... 

Wishing you lots of creating and happiness!

Update...a few days went by and I didn't get this post done as quick as I had intended.  Monday came and went without snow - BUM...but Tuesday - Yeah...we woke up to our first dusting and I LOVE IT!!! Bring on winter! :)

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