
Saturday, January 14, 2012

Art in the Airport - Recycled Couture

I love love love the fact that art can be found in the most unlikely places, like the Atlanta airport.  Amazing displays of recycled couture are all over the terminal.  I have to share this amazing art with you.

Made from recycled tires and inner tubes:

For those of you who want to be extra Cautious.....why not make your next party dress out of caution tape?

Have you heard the phrase .."That dress she wore is a crime.."?...well...if so, this one literally is made from recycled crime scene tape - taking CSI to a whole new level....


Before you throw out those old VCR and cassette tapes, why not make a faux fur statement with this coat? Photobucket

or maybe your convert your "convertable" car into this...made from electrical wire and the vinyl from a convertable....

Photobucket's the "real" thing... an amazing use of soda cans to create this dress:  (Say Hi Mariah....)Photobucket

and of course no style is complete without the matching shoes and handbag....



Eco Heidi - I immediately thought of you!

 and I couldn't agree more:  Waste does not exist - only wasted resources and wasted opportunties....


And if you're a bag lady......well...wearing this you might be a stylish bag lady...


And don't forget to wear your matching hat!...


Maybe I'll have to shop at Target more???

Have I give you something to think about the next time you decide to throw something out? I guess craft hording can be good and with a little imagination, you can make some really cool couture.....

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