
Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Upcycling! Exercising for creative people

Yes, I'm making healthier "creative" choices now.  I'm UPCYCLING just about everything that happens to pass in front of me.  I got on this kick a couple weeks ago when I went to salvage some old barn windows from a friend who had sold his farm.  I turned one of the windows into a photo display for my Son and Daughter-in-law for their wedding....

But tucked away for more than a year in a corner of my shop was this....{uh...yes, my toes got in the way}.....

This was once a mirror that adorned our bathroom downstairs.  Well...after remodeling, I hung it back up and apparently not so well, it fell off an broke in a gagillion pieces....but I couldnt bear to part with I tucked it away..until today.....  I got out the power tools!!! VROOM VROOM!! oh baby....  

I sawed off the bottom so it was straight and created an arch in the my jigsaw......... I fixed it all up nice and sturdy with a few nails and then sprayed the frame with Blue Ocean Krylon paint.  I love the aqua blue color!! 

Then I antiqued it with an english walnut stain, highlighted the raised areas with white and then stapled chicken wire and fabric on to the back.  

I found this little doily in my Mom's stash so I glued it onto a clothespin and adorned it with a button...or three....

Clipped on a vintage photo of my grandparents wedding day....and are you ready?......

{drum roll please.............}

Love love love it....mostly I love the fact that these two people had my Dad who I think is just simply the most awesomest Dad in the whole wide world......

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