
Thursday, September 20, 2012

Take Courage BE BRAVE + Free TIPS for a successful Craft Show

BE BRAVE! For me wearing little reminders sometimes gives me the confidence to try things I normally wouldn't.  Use tools I probably wouldn't and really step out of my comfort zone.  For me Being BRAVE has so many different meanings, Brave to face the challenges at any given moment, Brave to take risks, Brave to face the unknown, Brave to let yourself be vulnerable and make mistakes in order to improve.

Be Brave is all those things wrapped up into this mixed media necklace assemblage.  I've made nearly all the components from scratch and it came together slowly...I had to think of each piece as I designed it.  I love the way it's all mixed up...kinda like me in my craft room huh?

I wanted to take a moment for all of you who are feverishly getting ready to do your line up of fall craft shows and give you some expert tips and advice that I've found helpful.  So here are my TOP 5 must do's for success at shows - Counting down from 5 here we go....

Number 5! - Be PREPARED! This means keep a box of office supplies, sales sheets, calculator, pens and paper, BUSINESS CARDS with your EMAIL and WEBSITE on them, scissors, tape, glue, thumbtacks, drill and hammer.

Number 4 - Dress the part.  This is not the time to wear your favorite comfy pants with holes in them.  Yes I have some, yes I wear them and to tell you the truth, I spent all day yesterday in them...but I was NOT seen in public.  This doesn't mean  you have to dress for the red carpet, but it does mean you need to look professional, neat and organized.

Number 3 - Wear a smile and greet everyone who approaches you.  Do not be caught up with posting on facebook, texting your friends or have your head in a book.  If you don't care - your customers wont either.  Even if they don't buy, it's nice to see a warm smile on your face.  Try to compliment them in some truthful way.  Do you like their earrings? Are they wearing a pretty color?  Make conversation! and be friendly.

Number 2 - PRESENTATION SELLS!  A picture is worth a thousand words and even if you're not showing a PICTURE of your work, what your customer sees with their eyes is a picture in their brain. Make it inviting.  Stay away from colors that distract and turn people away.  Touches of red are okay, but a whole booth in bright red tablecloths is not as effective.  Keep your booth neutral and add accents of colors with your merchandise.  Think creative when displaying your work.  Use fabrics and different heights to add interest....I could go on for hours here....but think presentation! It's a little costly...but it is your advertising and it sells!

NUMBER 1 - THE POWER OF SUGGESTION!  You are at work! You are a sales person, like it or not....and you want to sell what you suggest UPSELLS.  An upsell is simply a suggestion of additional purchases.  It can be done in a way that is soft and gentle.  For instance, if you are selling jewelry, suggest matching earrings or suggest a way to combine and layer jewelry pieces together that they may not have thought of.  If you see they are wearing a certain color, suggest items in that color palette.  You would be amazed at what you will learn about a person if you just talk friendly to them.  They will tell you their life story and based on that you will know what to present and upsell.

With a little practice, you'll be a great SOFT sales person in no time!!!

Happy Fall!! and wishing everyone a successful fall craft show season!
Until tomorrow! :)

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