
Wednesday, January 16, 2013

A little Walk for the soul.... + Charlie Bears MeerKat impression

I've finally learned .....okay...well maybe I'm doing good at practicing patience!  I've always been the hurry up and get it done...need those results yesterday kinda person. 

Now, I'm focusing on the "turtle" ....the slow and steady wins the race.  That's why this year I've set some very - very SMALL goals which add up to the big ones...

One is weight many people make that new years resolution - me among them -  and then fall off the bandwagon - me among them....when we don't see results as soon as we thought we would....just remember ...slow and persistant.... I'm happy to say that I am now 15lbs lighter than last month.....

Generally everyday my neighbor, gets up super early....heads outside and takes a brisk walk or climb or whatever he does carrying 40 or so pounds on his back... For the most part, getting up before the sun rises and being excited about going outside in the frigid cold seems a little bizzarre to me..but today he wrote about having your body reward you with some feel good hormones.....and I thought...yeah..after the week I've had...that's what I want...some feel good hormones...

So....(thank you Isaac) I decided to try on my brush pants  (yeah they fit!), put on my brush boots...and took a walk thru the brush in the back 40 as we call it...up and down hills, ledges...climbing over stuff...breathing in the cool brisk air.....took in the sights of the birds playing and singing....listened to the crunching of the leaves under my feet and found a piece of really interesting moss covered bark that I'll use as a jewelry  prop.  I walked about 30 minutes...and probably just a little over a mile....but the best part was...I felt great and I got some of those feel good hormones too!!  It just made my day happier and better....and it gives me something to add to my soul garden journal for the day :)

I spent much of the day making jewelry for Restore - the little upscale boutique that carries my jewelry.  Worked with some copper and did some soldering.  Check out my etsy store

And's been a week since that ordeal and I think he's learned his lesson!
Here he is doing his best meer cat impression!
He's knows I can't resist that adorable personality.......and yes...he got his favorite potato chips!!

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