
Thursday, May 23, 2013

The Mystery of the dingy blonde and the car keys... + a little sneak peek

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Call me blonde....yes I know....I come by it naturally!  And since we all need a little humor in our life and not take ourselves so seriously, I thought I would share my yesterday with you all......

The day began pretty usual, you know....get up, get dressed, but I was particularly excited about the day because of all the craft shopping I was going to do for my next book.  I am a huntress, a junk huntress, a trash to treasure sort of gal.

And so about noon, Mariah and I set off on our said craft adventure in Red Sexy (aka my truck).  Well when the low tire indicator on the dash illuminated, it should have been a clue to what the rest of my day was going to be like....

So, I re-arranged my shopping schedule a little to make a stop by WalMart to get my tired looked at.  I gave them my keys, got everything on my list and returned to pick up Red about an hour and a half later.  Walmart shopping - check off the list....on to the Dollar Store, Lowes, the post office, pharmacy, Staples and finally Hobby Lobby.  After all the shopping it's now nearly 7:30 PM.

We're in the check out and I look in my purse to find the keys....okay...well..I had my spare keys, but not my "Master" set of keys, the one with the tiger print key and the eifell tower charm danglie that I got in Paris....

As you can imagine, panic mode is starting to enter my brain as I proceed to dump out every item in my purse and then search the EMPTY purse for an object that is quite obviously not there....

The solution - (keep in mind, I have my spare set of my brain says this simply will not be enough..) is to spend the next 45 minutes going through ever aisle, looking under everything, searching every bin that I possibly had my hands in.....and keys......I even ask all the workers...nope no keys...
Well...feeling defeated, I leave my name, description of keys and my number with the manager, hung my head, briefly pouted and headed home.  

Do I tell Dana? or don't I tell Dana?  I'm thinking DON'T TELL DANA at this point.

But then, I get the bright idea that maybe I wasn't so blonde and that I left my MASTER set of keys at Walmart when I had the tire fixed.  I consoled myself into feeling better because now it was NOT my was just my fault that I only noticed this error on THEIR part NOW...but none the less I was confident that this is where the mystery keys were.  So, I phoned.......and this poor kid in sporting goods answered.

I said, "i have a little delemma..." and explained my story..." The nice young man said "no problem ma'am, I'll go look in the auto department"....after a couple minutes he returned and said "sorry ma'am there's no keys there, but I'll be happy to RUN TO THE FRONT OF THE STORE to customer service and look there."  Well he must have run the entire store three of four times looking for those keys because he was gone a really ...really...long time....and when he returned he said, "I'm sorry ma'am, there's no keys there either". now I have to admit it's not Walmart's fault, it's my fault....and I'm still not telling Dana.....

I pull in the drive, exhausted, drained and there Dana is, sitting on the front porch enjoying the evening.  I proceeded to carry up all the bags I had bought, go in the house.....and the FIRST THING I SEE is my MASTER set of keys on the table......

I didn't know whether to throw a party? or feel pretty stupid that I didn't realize that all along I had been driving with my spare set.....but all in turned out good.  I have my master keys and ...I guess I'll keep it a secret....but....I think Dana knows.......and the kid at Walmart got a good workout :)

Here's a little sneak peak of what I'm working on for Mixed Media Monday

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1 comment:

  1. Oh, Linda, I got a good giggle out of this. It's just something exactly like my friends and I apt to do! Dang this middle age!
