Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Tell me what you think....
I've added a little survey on the side bar. Take a moment to let me know your thoughts!
Quicky link....
You can view the AMACO's Bottles of Hope award presentation held at CHA a week or so ago online by clicking on the link below. Be sure to tell llysa we sent you!
Polymer Clay Productions.
Part 2 of the awards with Mariah and I will air this friday. Stay tuned!!!
Polymer Clay Productions.
Part 2 of the awards with Mariah and I will air this friday. Stay tuned!!!
Monday, July 30, 2007
Polymer Clay for Scrapbooking
I was perusing the HGTV - Carol Duvall show site and ran across this link to share.
It's a segment I did featuring embellishments for scrapbooking made with Fimo and Liquid Fimo. Enjoy!
Don't forget - Carol's shows are now online - anytime for you to view!
Click here to watch...
It's a segment I did featuring embellishments for scrapbooking made with Fimo and Liquid Fimo. Enjoy!
Don't forget - Carol's shows are now online - anytime for you to view!
Click here to watch...
The Fishing Report............
Saturday July 28, 2007
We’re set to fish aboard the “Bass Tub” today. Report has it that the weather is good so we’ll be fishing out in the pacific for Rockfish also known as Red Snapper in grocery stores. Of the 25 fisher-people on the boat, I was one of two girls. After about an hour’s ride, thru roller coaster type water, we arrived at our fishing spot along with about a hundred other boats. Fishing was real slow for a while…..then…wouldn’t you know it, I got a backlash in my open face reel…what a mess! However, that mess turned into success when I realized I caught the first fish between Dana and I. (ooh yeah!!! He doesn’t think it’s a competition between us…but secretly it really is…)
I would describe these fish as a super sized goggle eye rock bass with teeth. We had a keeper in the bag! Now to hurry and get my line back in the water….BITE! I GOT ANOTHER ONE..this makes two! And another….and….oh my goodness…..
They told us on the boat that we may catch a fish that feels real heavy when you reel it in because a huge ling cod has grabbed hold of the fish that you hooked and is about to eat it…….sooooooo…GUESS WHAT?!?!?! BITE!!!! Reel! Reel! Reel! It’s HEAVY!!!!! And…that is exactly what happened - a huge ling cod [the biggest caught so far] was hangin on! But……we didn’t get the net in time and he let go and swam off. Oh well….I’m still claiming the prize for biggest fish and the ling cod attack because I have several witnesses to the fact. Dana ended up getting 4 fish…and I ended up with four as well, so we were both pleased. The Captain of the boat and the deckhand were great to work with…very laid back and funny. We tried for halibut and striped bass for a while. We caught nothing, but some others caught a few baby sand shark. You should have seen some of they guy’s reaction to the shark when they brought them on board….What a bunch of Whimps! GOOD GRIEF!
That’s it for fishing…..it’s now about 3:30 and we are walking back to our hotel to clean up. The street is jammed with people and street entertainment. So here’s this guy with a bunch of leaves and brushy stuff in each hand sitting on a milk crate hiding behind his hand held bushes. He’s positioned behind some plants that are generally in that location. As passerby’s walk by, he scares the living daylights out of them. We waited a couple minutes watching this very unsuspecting couple walk towards us, and sure enough…he jumps out at her and she screams to death…then laughs along with the other 50 people who are watching this event. It was like seeing candid camera happen before your eyes.
After our well needed bath, we walked to Ghiradelli square – home of chocolate. Of course when in Rome….we Rome…..so when in Ghiradelli square…buy chocolate!!! We also went to pier 39 and browsed thru several souvenier shops including the Bubba Gump Shrimp Company…..they musta had a gagillion kinds of shra-imp in there! By this time, Dana and I are just wiped out….so being the party people we are….we headed back to the hotel and instantly fell asleep – at 8:00pm while it was still light out……….goodnight folks…….zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
We’re set to fish aboard the “Bass Tub” today. Report has it that the weather is good so we’ll be fishing out in the pacific for Rockfish also known as Red Snapper in grocery stores. Of the 25 fisher-people on the boat, I was one of two girls. After about an hour’s ride, thru roller coaster type water, we arrived at our fishing spot along with about a hundred other boats. Fishing was real slow for a while…..then…wouldn’t you know it, I got a backlash in my open face reel…what a mess! However, that mess turned into success when I realized I caught the first fish between Dana and I. (ooh yeah!!! He doesn’t think it’s a competition between us…but secretly it really is…)
I would describe these fish as a super sized goggle eye rock bass with teeth. We had a keeper in the bag! Now to hurry and get my line back in the water….BITE! I GOT ANOTHER ONE..this makes two! And another….and….oh my goodness…..
They told us on the boat that we may catch a fish that feels real heavy when you reel it in because a huge ling cod has grabbed hold of the fish that you hooked and is about to eat it…….sooooooo…GUESS WHAT?!?!?! BITE!!!! Reel! Reel! Reel! It’s HEAVY!!!!! And…that is exactly what happened - a huge ling cod [the biggest caught so far] was hangin on! But……we didn’t get the net in time and he let go and swam off. Oh well….I’m still claiming the prize for biggest fish and the ling cod attack because I have several witnesses to the fact. Dana ended up getting 4 fish…and I ended up with four as well, so we were both pleased. The Captain of the boat and the deckhand were great to work with…very laid back and funny. We tried for halibut and striped bass for a while. We caught nothing, but some others caught a few baby sand shark. You should have seen some of they guy’s reaction to the shark when they brought them on board….What a bunch of Whimps! GOOD GRIEF!
That’s it for fishing…..it’s now about 3:30 and we are walking back to our hotel to clean up. The street is jammed with people and street entertainment. So here’s this guy with a bunch of leaves and brushy stuff in each hand sitting on a milk crate hiding behind his hand held bushes. He’s positioned behind some plants that are generally in that location. As passerby’s walk by, he scares the living daylights out of them. We waited a couple minutes watching this very unsuspecting couple walk towards us, and sure enough…he jumps out at her and she screams to death…then laughs along with the other 50 people who are watching this event. It was like seeing candid camera happen before your eyes.
After our well needed bath, we walked to Ghiradelli square – home of chocolate. Of course when in Rome….we Rome…..so when in Ghiradelli square…buy chocolate!!! We also went to pier 39 and browsed thru several souvenier shops including the Bubba Gump Shrimp Company…..they musta had a gagillion kinds of shra-imp in there! By this time, Dana and I are just wiped out….so being the party people we are….we headed back to the hotel and instantly fell asleep – at 8:00pm while it was still light out……….goodnight folks…….zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Friday, July 27, 2007
Inspiration abounds in ChinaTown...
It was a short walk to the heart of China Town early this morning. I arrived a little early as most of the stores weren't opening until 10am. It was fun to see the area come alive with crowds of people and oodles of culture surrounding me. The Chinese people of the area were swarming the produce stands and markets to get the best of the day's selection of goods. All I could do was watch as the signs were written for them and not for me.
Along with all the souvenier shops full of t-shirts, I did stumble across a store called " SF Star incorporated". I would describe it as somewhat of a souvenier, department...drugstore combo type of store. It's filled with things I have never seen before...or at least you wont find them anywhere near my house like.....chinese analgesics (really cool packaging by the way...the chinese really go all out on decorative packaging - really catches your eyeball)....dried ginseng....dried squid....dried octopus.....dried goldfish (okay that's what they looked like to me) ...dried everything........about this time Im thinking...dried squid and octopus are just not too appetizing right now at 9am in the morning........but what I did find way cool was their asian jewelry - big chunky focal pieces. I've mentioned before that Im on this...altered-y, asian, chunky sort of thing....so these pendants fit right in with that current trend of mine. Instantly I saw potential. (I'll be using these in the Making Beads book Im currently working on - a little teaser there...) So, now it's just a matter of choosing which piece to buy....oh to heck with that...why not buy all three?? Especially since the price was right...only $6.00 each! SOLD!
Im outta there and on to the next shop! Semi-precious bead shops are all over Grant Street in China town and provide oodles of inspiration. Many have good deals but you do need to shop around and bargain a little with the shops owner. Jade was everywhere....and I found it in colors ranging from yellow to very pale green and everything in between. This was quite intriguing to me since Ive been tweeking my jade recipe to make it as authentic looking as possible. I saw jade that was carved and sometimes polished leaving a brown color in the crevases, while others left a pale tan. Other versions had inclusions and were multi colored, particularly when made into bowls and some jade was simple reflecting only one color. Needless to say, I snapped lots of pictures of jade, coral and one of the new favorites I found - "graphic jasper". This stunning stone will be one of my next passions to replicate. The colors are rich and range from purple'y browns (is that even a color) to creams, reddish browns....
The trend in all the jewelry shops I visited seemed to be "chunky" and full of color. They were either very ornate with lots of beads and multiple strands or they were more simple designs strung on a cable wrapped in fiber with a small macrame embellishment which highlighted the big focal jade or bone pendants. I sketched the cord design hoping to maybe re-create it and then I came across these necklaces in blank form with string hanging to attach the pendant of your choice. I was getting excited , because this to me was a great find - something unique and unusual that I hadn't seen before....I wanted to jump in and buy them in all colors..but I resisted! Being the bargain shopper that I am, I decided to force myself to wait. Glad I did! The very next shop had them at half the price...so I bought a couple and found another necklace blank that was knotted and macrame'd with beads, bought one of those too.
For lunch, I really wanted to sample authentic chinese cuisine. I have to admit that as I browsed some of the menu's, I was a bit aprehensive to dothis. I do eat alot of wild game, so I am up for a new experience, but..... roasted pigeon??????......i dunno ...just couldnt do it. I walked in....and then out.....of several restaurants. Partly because I simply couldnt read the menu....and partly because I was the only one in there. You figure if a restaurant is good, there would be other customers. I settled on a nice restaurant - with people and a menu I could understand, and tried my hand at dim sum. Pork and peanut dim sum to be exact. Quite tasty. I added shrimp fried rice as a main dish (just because I wanted a little something else). I can say I was quite pleased with my chinese authentic cuisine experience....
I found a chinese flea market which reminded me of a dollar store on steroids, but I did manage to buy my husband a Sake set, to go along with the Sushi set I bought for him a couple years ago in Boston. I found the girls bracelets tied with flower like shells with a very asian influence. And postcards....cant forget the postcards. I buy Mariah postcards from everywhere I go. She has a gagillion of them. I used to buy everyone t-shirts and souveniers but that gets way expensive...so now I make them settle for post cards, much more pocketbook friendly...
I also stumbled on a big event - (wish I could read chinese). It must have been a special event because the women were wearing dresses and corsages, the men were in suits and there were kids in dragon costumes dancing around in the middle of the street. They paraded around the city block I was shopping on and set off several fireworks....have no idea what it was about...but it was a nice cultural experience.....
Im exhausted now, all this inspiration is making me worn out (and excited to get home to work all at the same time) ....it's about time for Dana's seminars to be over...so I think I'll take a quick nap and rest up before dinner. We'll be moving to the Wharf tomorrow night after our fishing excursion. Hope they have internet so I can blog - Im really gettin into this....
Wish I knew how to say good night in chinese....................pretend I do....
Along with all the souvenier shops full of t-shirts, I did stumble across a store called " SF Star incorporated". I would describe it as somewhat of a souvenier, department...drugstore combo type of store. It's filled with things I have never seen before...or at least you wont find them anywhere near my house like.....chinese analgesics (really cool packaging by the way...the chinese really go all out on decorative packaging - really catches your eyeball)....dried ginseng....dried squid....dried octopus.....dried goldfish (okay that's what they looked like to me) ...dried everything........about this time Im thinking...dried squid and octopus are just not too appetizing right now at 9am in the morning........but what I did find way cool was their asian jewelry - big chunky focal pieces. I've mentioned before that Im on this...altered-y, asian, chunky sort of thing....so these pendants fit right in with that current trend of mine. Instantly I saw potential. (I'll be using these in the Making Beads book Im currently working on - a little teaser there...) So, now it's just a matter of choosing which piece to buy....oh to heck with that...why not buy all three?? Especially since the price was right...only $6.00 each! SOLD!
Im outta there and on to the next shop! Semi-precious bead shops are all over Grant Street in China town and provide oodles of inspiration. Many have good deals but you do need to shop around and bargain a little with the shops owner. Jade was everywhere....and I found it in colors ranging from yellow to very pale green and everything in between. This was quite intriguing to me since Ive been tweeking my jade recipe to make it as authentic looking as possible. I saw jade that was carved and sometimes polished leaving a brown color in the crevases, while others left a pale tan. Other versions had inclusions and were multi colored, particularly when made into bowls and some jade was simple reflecting only one color. Needless to say, I snapped lots of pictures of jade, coral and one of the new favorites I found - "graphic jasper". This stunning stone will be one of my next passions to replicate. The colors are rich and range from purple'y browns (is that even a color) to creams, reddish browns....
The trend in all the jewelry shops I visited seemed to be "chunky" and full of color. They were either very ornate with lots of beads and multiple strands or they were more simple designs strung on a cable wrapped in fiber with a small macrame embellishment which highlighted the big focal jade or bone pendants. I sketched the cord design hoping to maybe re-create it and then I came across these necklaces in blank form with string hanging to attach the pendant of your choice. I was getting excited , because this to me was a great find - something unique and unusual that I hadn't seen before....I wanted to jump in and buy them in all colors..but I resisted! Being the bargain shopper that I am, I decided to force myself to wait. Glad I did! The very next shop had them at half the price...so I bought a couple and found another necklace blank that was knotted and macrame'd with beads, bought one of those too.
For lunch, I really wanted to sample authentic chinese cuisine. I have to admit that as I browsed some of the menu's, I was a bit aprehensive to dothis. I do eat alot of wild game, so I am up for a new experience, but..... roasted pigeon??????......i dunno ...just couldnt do it. I walked in....and then out.....of several restaurants. Partly because I simply couldnt read the menu....and partly because I was the only one in there. You figure if a restaurant is good, there would be other customers. I settled on a nice restaurant - with people and a menu I could understand, and tried my hand at dim sum. Pork and peanut dim sum to be exact. Quite tasty. I added shrimp fried rice as a main dish (just because I wanted a little something else). I can say I was quite pleased with my chinese authentic cuisine experience....
I found a chinese flea market which reminded me of a dollar store on steroids, but I did manage to buy my husband a Sake set, to go along with the Sushi set I bought for him a couple years ago in Boston. I found the girls bracelets tied with flower like shells with a very asian influence. And postcards....cant forget the postcards. I buy Mariah postcards from everywhere I go. She has a gagillion of them. I used to buy everyone t-shirts and souveniers but that gets way expensive...so now I make them settle for post cards, much more pocketbook friendly...
I also stumbled on a big event - (wish I could read chinese). It must have been a special event because the women were wearing dresses and corsages, the men were in suits and there were kids in dragon costumes dancing around in the middle of the street. They paraded around the city block I was shopping on and set off several fireworks....have no idea what it was about...but it was a nice cultural experience.....
Im exhausted now, all this inspiration is making me worn out (and excited to get home to work all at the same time) ....it's about time for Dana's seminars to be over...so I think I'll take a quick nap and rest up before dinner. We'll be moving to the Wharf tomorrow night after our fishing excursion. Hope they have internet so I can blog - Im really gettin into this....
Wish I knew how to say good night in chinese....................pretend I do....
San Francisco ... The City By The Bay...
Here I am in Sunny….but a little chilly, San Francisco, California. Officially, Im on vacation until Sunday. I’m tagging along on a business trip of my husbands – so he has to work…I get to play (YEAH!!!) We arrived early enough to be able to take in a few of the city’s sites and atmosphere.
First off …if you’ve been reading the blog this week….seems the entire theme has been FOOD!...so…in keeping with that theme, we had to have lunch at Tadich Grill just walking distance from the Omni Hotel where we are staying. Tadich is San Francisco’s oldest restaurant dating back to 1849 when it was first a small coffee stand. As you step inside you are “surrounded by warm woodwork, greeted by longtime staff and you may find yourself seated in the same booth where Clark Gable, Johnny Carson or Cary Grant might have dined”…….or even Dana and Linda Peterson-okay…so we’re not real Hollywood celebs…but we can pretend can’t we? Tadich’s vibrant history more than compliments it’s stellar seafood cuisine. We began lunch with an appetizer for two featuring calamari, pickled herring, anchovies, smoked salmon, smoked trout and prawns. Dana enjoyed the baked halibut with Dungeness crab stuffing, while I feasted on seared ahi tuna and king salmon all brought in fresh this morning. I highly recommend this restaurant as a “must eat”. (we bought their signature cookbook….)
Next…we needed a nap…but instead we headed for the Fisherman’s Wharf to see if we could tie down a fishing charter for Saturday. Looks like we’ll be fishing on the Bass Tub….we’ll let you know that goes. We’re going to try to catch some halibut and striped bass…
Dana was stopped by the police while walking down the sidewalk and was ticketed for being “entirely too serious while on vacation”. They gave him an “I love San Francisco sticker” and wrote his name on a citation list. It was really for a charity drive benefiting the homeless kitchen. So we gave a few extra bucks.
Later tonight we’ll join his colleagues at Bob’s Chop and Steak house for dinner and then dessert at the Trans America Building. (Can’t wait to see the city view at night). (update - there wasnt a view of the city...bum...the clouds were hanging low.)
Tomorrow I’ll be on my own. I plan to take a trip to sample the cities artistic culture, maybe even get some inspiration for the “Making Bead” and “Making Metal Jewelry” books that I’ll be writing beginning just as soon as I get back home. I’ll also take a sketch journal to jot down ideas that come to mind…or to just sketch some of the sites I see. I hope to find this trip very inspiring.
Well…that’s all for now. If this is the first time you’ve visited my blog…Welcome! And thanks for stopping by. Be sure to add your email to the subscription list. And while you’re at it, why not email me and share your inspirational ideas with me? I’d love to hear them.
First off …if you’ve been reading the blog this week….seems the entire theme has been FOOD!...so…in keeping with that theme, we had to have lunch at Tadich Grill just walking distance from the Omni Hotel where we are staying. Tadich is San Francisco’s oldest restaurant dating back to 1849 when it was first a small coffee stand. As you step inside you are “surrounded by warm woodwork, greeted by longtime staff and you may find yourself seated in the same booth where Clark Gable, Johnny Carson or Cary Grant might have dined”…….or even Dana and Linda Peterson-okay…so we’re not real Hollywood celebs…but we can pretend can’t we? Tadich’s vibrant history more than compliments it’s stellar seafood cuisine. We began lunch with an appetizer for two featuring calamari, pickled herring, anchovies, smoked salmon, smoked trout and prawns. Dana enjoyed the baked halibut with Dungeness crab stuffing, while I feasted on seared ahi tuna and king salmon all brought in fresh this morning. I highly recommend this restaurant as a “must eat”. (we bought their signature cookbook….)
Next…we needed a nap…but instead we headed for the Fisherman’s Wharf to see if we could tie down a fishing charter for Saturday. Looks like we’ll be fishing on the Bass Tub….we’ll let you know that goes. We’re going to try to catch some halibut and striped bass…
Dana was stopped by the police while walking down the sidewalk and was ticketed for being “entirely too serious while on vacation”. They gave him an “I love San Francisco sticker” and wrote his name on a citation list. It was really for a charity drive benefiting the homeless kitchen. So we gave a few extra bucks.
Later tonight we’ll join his colleagues at Bob’s Chop and Steak house for dinner and then dessert at the Trans America Building. (Can’t wait to see the city view at night). (update - there wasnt a view of the city...bum...the clouds were hanging low.)
Tomorrow I’ll be on my own. I plan to take a trip to sample the cities artistic culture, maybe even get some inspiration for the “Making Bead” and “Making Metal Jewelry” books that I’ll be writing beginning just as soon as I get back home. I’ll also take a sketch journal to jot down ideas that come to mind…or to just sketch some of the sites I see. I hope to find this trip very inspiring.
Well…that’s all for now. If this is the first time you’ve visited my blog…Welcome! And thanks for stopping by. Be sure to add your email to the subscription list. And while you’re at it, why not email me and share your inspirational ideas with me? I’d love to hear them.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Hello everyone, this press release was sent early this morning which I wanted to share with you. I want to assure all Fimo users and designers that there will be no disruption in the supply of Fimo. Amaco will continue it's product development of clay tools such as the bead rollers etc.
It is hoped that the new distributor, Staedtler, will continue the "Bottles of Hope" theme. Dawn Sandoe, Public Relations director for Amaco says "AMACO will continue to support Gilda’s Club, the national organization with a new mixed media event for CHA Anaheim 2008. " Amaco still remains committed to it's support of these charities.
As you know I am a big supporter of Amaco and the line of Fimo products. I look forward to developing new relationships with Staedtler, the new Fimo product distributor.
AMACO® (American Art Clay Company, Inc) announces transfer of the FIMO distributorship to STAEDTLER, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of STAEDTLER NORIS GmbH of Nuernberg, Germany , and a sister company of Eberhard Faber. After a strategic review in 2007, AMACO® has determined to move forward with self-manufactured quality craft products with the AMACO® brand. FIMO, which is manufactured by Eberhard Faber GmbH (EFA) in Germany , will not be part of that ongoing strategy.
Andrew Carter, Senior Vice President for AMACO®, says ”FIMO has been an important part of the AMACO® craft product line, being of high quality and a good fit with other AMACO® products; but it is now time to transfer the distribution back to Eberhard Faber for distribution through STAEDTLER.” On October 1, 2007 STAEDTLER will become the U.S. distributor for all FIMO products. STAEDTLER Inc., located in Chatsworth , California , has been successfully distributing Art, Drafting and Writing Instruments in the U.S. for more than four decades.
Adds Michael Wiesmann, President & CEO, Staedtler, Inc. “STAEDTLER will provide the same high standard of product supply and market development that you have seen from AMACO® over the last 18 years. STAEDTLER, Inc, EFA and AMACO will work tirelessly to ensure no disruption of supply and promotion during this period of transition.” AMACO® will continue to develop its strong range of craft products into the craft market, both as accessories to the polymer clay line, and in other areas. STAEDTLER, Inc. will strive to extend its Art & Craft range to complement the existing product range and its new FIMO® components.
It is hoped that the new distributor, Staedtler, will continue the "Bottles of Hope" theme. Dawn Sandoe, Public Relations director for Amaco says "AMACO will continue to support Gilda’s Club, the national organization with a new mixed media event for CHA Anaheim 2008. " Amaco still remains committed to it's support of these charities.
As you know I am a big supporter of Amaco and the line of Fimo products. I look forward to developing new relationships with Staedtler, the new Fimo product distributor.
AMACO® (American Art Clay Company, Inc) announces transfer of the FIMO distributorship to STAEDTLER, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of STAEDTLER NORIS GmbH of Nuernberg, Germany , and a sister company of Eberhard Faber. After a strategic review in 2007, AMACO® has determined to move forward with self-manufactured quality craft products with the AMACO® brand. FIMO, which is manufactured by Eberhard Faber GmbH (EFA) in Germany , will not be part of that ongoing strategy.
Andrew Carter, Senior Vice President for AMACO®, says ”FIMO has been an important part of the AMACO® craft product line, being of high quality and a good fit with other AMACO® products; but it is now time to transfer the distribution back to Eberhard Faber for distribution through STAEDTLER.” On October 1, 2007 STAEDTLER will become the U.S. distributor for all FIMO products. STAEDTLER Inc., located in Chatsworth , California , has been successfully distributing Art, Drafting and Writing Instruments in the U.S. for more than four decades.
Adds Michael Wiesmann, President & CEO, Staedtler, Inc. “STAEDTLER will provide the same high standard of product supply and market development that you have seen from AMACO® over the last 18 years. STAEDTLER, Inc, EFA and AMACO will work tirelessly to ensure no disruption of supply and promotion during this period of transition.” AMACO® will continue to develop its strong range of craft products into the craft market, both as accessories to the polymer clay line, and in other areas. STAEDTLER, Inc. will strive to extend its Art & Craft range to complement the existing product range and its new FIMO® components.
First of all...... you might want to go grab a cup of java or iced tea...this blog is gonna take a while.....
As promised, Im back with some highlights from the CHA show held last week in Chicago. I always look forward to meeting up with the "girls" and sharing ideas, getting inspired and hearing about their life in general. This trip came thru as promised. I got to catch up with girlfriends like Lisa Galvin of Lisa Galvin Creates - now turned sales rep for the craft industry, Debba Haupert from Girlfriendology, Julianna Hudgins from Julianna Productions, our newest designer at AMACO- Caryn Gehm....and so many more!
I took Mariah with me this year, we caught an earlier flight and arrived to Chicago about two hours earlier than expected. Mariah asked if we were going to catch a cab to the show...I said "No, honey...from here on out it's all walking!" I walked her little legs off. She was quite a trooper and enjoyed meeting every one at the show. It was quite overwhelming for her i think. She took part in the Bottles of Hope ceremony held on Saturday. We told of how Bottles of Hope was special to us, and how much the campers at TEEN CAMP RAINBOW enjoyed getting their bottles from the designers who had donated to AMACO for the winter CHA designer challenge.
I think now she realizes that trade shows are not "vacations" and that we all really work hard.
We had sort of a co-demonstration going on at the AMACO booth. I soldered our new Brass Rods and created "bezels" - then sent them to the Caryn at theFriendly plastic demonstration area to be further embellished. (I should have taken a photo....maybe we'll save that for another blog). Later I demonstrated Faux Dichroic using the technique found in my BEAD TECHNIQUES book.
We had another special guest visiting AMACO from the UK. She is known as the Friendly plastic Queen! Liz Welch demonstrated all her new contemporary techniques for working with Friendly Plastic on Saturday. She is an accomplished artist, author and has two DVD's on Friendly Plastic techniques. Liz has won awards in textiles by combining fabric with Friendly plastic.
Mariah made her debut demonstration on Sunday for about an hour. She was a little apprehensive at first, but soon was on a roll.
Saturday afternoon, Mariah and I walked the show floor. I was particularly on the look out for new jewelry findings, fibers, chains and anything I could possible turn into a piece of jewelry for my new book "Making Beads" by Cico Books (Summer 08). I visited Katie Hacker at the Beadalon booth to check out all the new chains, stringing materials, beads......Beadalon came shining thru with creative ideas and new products (not to mention that Katie is one of my favorite beader's of all time!) .
I also visited the McGill booth to check out their new punches and their line of digital scrapbooking materials called Pixel Magic. I use alot of McGill punches in my work, especially when working with metals. They offer great designs and are very durable...plus they stay sharp for ease in punching.
Avery products were also there. I dont believe this was their first time presenting their products, but I've seemed to have missed them before. I love the Avery line of transfer papers. I used their products in my "Photo transfer bracelet class" at More than Memories. I showed Avery that their fabric transfers were not just for fabric....i think they were suprized to find out what all of us clayer's use them for.....so, Im looking forward to using their products and expand their horizons....
We always take time to stop by and say Hello to Suzanne McNeil and Kathy Mason at the Design Originals booth. For you polymer clay addicts, check out Barbara McGuires new Caning book. You wont be disappointed. I'm happy to announce that I'll be working with them again on a new Metal Jewelry Book and Air Dry clay book (featuring Craft Porcelain) due out in Spring of 08. (oohh...i gotta get busy)
Let's talk cool rubber stamps for just a minute....Let's talk PAPER ARTSY . I received several designs compliments of them to use in future design work. Check out their website. Great for altered art....I plan to incorporate the designs for beads.
And last but certainly not least.....the class friday night at More Than Memories. Oh goodness....this class goes down in history as one of my best classes with the best students around. We had loads of fun. And....I got to meet Michele Charles - a very talented, VERY TALENTED paper crafts and rubberstamping artist. (SHE TOOK MY CLASS....GET OUT!!!) This girl is just a delight to be with and so inspiring. Kasey and Jackie (owners of MTM) were simply a delight as well. THANKS to them for all their hardwork in making my class successful...but their whole inaugural PASSPORT TO CREATIVITY was a success as well. Kasey and Jackie stopped by the booth Sunday to snap a quick photo. When you are in Schaumburg, IL....you must stop by their store...its multi-media heaven!! I'm hoping to be back next year!
As promised, Im back with some highlights from the CHA show held last week in Chicago. I always look forward to meeting up with the "girls" and sharing ideas, getting inspired and hearing about their life in general. This trip came thru as promised. I got to catch up with girlfriends like Lisa Galvin of Lisa Galvin Creates - now turned sales rep for the craft industry, Debba Haupert from Girlfriendology, Julianna Hudgins from Julianna Productions, our newest designer at AMACO- Caryn Gehm....and so many more!
I took Mariah with me this year, we caught an earlier flight and arrived to Chicago about two hours earlier than expected. Mariah asked if we were going to catch a cab to the show...I said "No, honey...from here on out it's all walking!" I walked her little legs off. She was quite a trooper and enjoyed meeting every one at the show. It was quite overwhelming for her i think. She took part in the Bottles of Hope ceremony held on Saturday. We told of how Bottles of Hope was special to us, and how much the campers at TEEN CAMP RAINBOW enjoyed getting their bottles from the designers who had donated to AMACO for the winter CHA designer challenge.
I think now she realizes that trade shows are not "vacations" and that we all really work hard.
We had sort of a co-demonstration going on at the AMACO booth. I soldered our new Brass Rods and created "bezels" - then sent them to the Caryn at theFriendly plastic demonstration area to be further embellished. (I should have taken a photo....maybe we'll save that for another blog). Later I demonstrated Faux Dichroic using the technique found in my BEAD TECHNIQUES book.
We had another special guest visiting AMACO from the UK. She is known as the Friendly plastic Queen! Liz Welch demonstrated all her new contemporary techniques for working with Friendly Plastic on Saturday. She is an accomplished artist, author and has two DVD's on Friendly Plastic techniques. Liz has won awards in textiles by combining fabric with Friendly plastic.

Saturday afternoon, Mariah and I walked the show floor. I was particularly on the look out for new jewelry findings, fibers, chains and anything I could possible turn into a piece of jewelry for my new book "Making Beads" by Cico Books (Summer 08). I visited Katie Hacker at the Beadalon booth to check out all the new chains, stringing materials, beads......Beadalon came shining thru with creative ideas and new products (not to mention that Katie is one of my favorite beader's of all time!) .
I also visited the McGill booth to check out their new punches and their line of digital scrapbooking materials called Pixel Magic. I use alot of McGill punches in my work, especially when working with metals. They offer great designs and are very durable...plus they stay sharp for ease in punching.
Avery products were also there. I dont believe this was their first time presenting their products, but I've seemed to have missed them before. I love the Avery line of transfer papers. I used their products in my "Photo transfer bracelet class" at More than Memories. I showed Avery that their fabric transfers were not just for fabric....i think they were suprized to find out what all of us clayer's use them for.....so, Im looking forward to using their products and expand their horizons....
We always take time to stop by and say Hello to Suzanne McNeil and Kathy Mason at the Design Originals booth. For you polymer clay addicts, check out Barbara McGuires new Caning book. You wont be disappointed. I'm happy to announce that I'll be working with them again on a new Metal Jewelry Book and Air Dry clay book (featuring Craft Porcelain) due out in Spring of 08. (oohh...i gotta get busy)
Let's talk cool rubber stamps for just a minute....Let's talk PAPER ARTSY . I received several designs compliments of them to use in future design work. Check out their website. Great for altered art....I plan to incorporate the designs for beads.
Pam Hawkins, editor of Bead Unique magazine stopped so look for upcoming metal and clay jewelry beginning with issue #17, due in May 08. Check out their website for more information on the Sonoma Wine Country Glass and Bead Festival - August 9-12, 2007.

I'll have to continue this later............I just looked at the time...gotta get to work. Stay tuned for a MAJOR FIMO ANNOUNCEMENT!!!
Before I forget.......I might mention that if you click on any of the links listed....and send an email...please let them know that you had visited my blog. We in the crafts community are all about helping each other out....Thanks a bunch!!!
The Branson Tour

With the english 'pound" being equvalent to $2.00 US, it was quite a shopping day for Gill and John especially. We set out early to hit the outlet malls. Even my hubby Dana, got into the bargain shopping mood (Go DANA!) Gill was quite suprized to see just how big the Branson area was, she had more in mind of a quaint little shopping village....
Later for lunch we headed to the Branson Landing for some good Irish grub at Waxy O'Shea's pub and grill. When you are there be sure to order "Scotch Eggs". Dana and I feasted on "Bangers and Potatoes". Bangers are little irish sausages....more yummy food. (are you getting the idea that all we did was eat??)
Here's a snapshot of all of us in front of the fountain. Would you believe the fountain was dry and undergoing maintenance??? Of all the times for it not to work! ... Regardless, it was our treat to host our international friends. The girls loved being with them and barraged them with questions about where they live and what it was like to live in England. They thought their accents were "cool"! Gill treated them to their own English chocolate bars and gave them some english money. Quite a treat for them.
Gill and John are off to Boston now....we dropped them at the airport early this morning. I sure hope they'll come back to Missouri and stay longer next time.....
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Beans for breakfast.......
Sorry folks, I just havent had time to sit down and give you the full scoop on the CHA show that I recently attended. I promise full details - pictures and all tomorrow!!!
Right now, we have guests visiting from England. You might remember from the February blog that I went to England to work with Gill from ALL ABOUT CRAFTS and demo Fimo techniques in their booth at the "Stitches" Craft and Hobby Trade show in Birmingham. Gill was so gracious to show me around so I invited her to visit my little home town in the Missouri Ozarks. She and her husband John took me up on the offer. Now, any trip to the Ozarks is not complete without a visit to LAMBERTS CAFE!
- Home of the Throwed Rolls, "THE #1 place to PIG OUT in the US" according to the Travel Channel. That's exactly what we did - PIG OUT (just look at us will ya??? That's some plates of food...and if you eat all that - you can have more... oink oink..! )on good ole home cooking country food as we dodged hot rolls coming in every which direction.... Quite a site to see.
We've been on sort of a "culture" blend, sharing stories and words....and "what do you call this.....what do you call that...." We wanted to make them feel at home. One of their common
breakfast foods is baked beans on toast. This was something that I really turned my nose up at when I was visiting England...the whole idea of that just wasnt too appetizing. However, I do have to say that I was quite mistaken, for today, Dana fixed baked beans and toast to serve to our guests. It was quite delicious and Mariah even asked for seconds......So for that quick meal that you want just before you're heading out the door for work...pop open a can of baked beans...heat 'em in the microwave and plop them on some toast....Yummmmmmmyy...
Back to see you tomorrow....we're headed to Branson for their site seeing tour, a shopping trip to the Branson Landing...and who knows what else.......
Right now, we have guests visiting from England. You might remember from the February blog that I went to England to work with Gill from ALL ABOUT CRAFTS and demo Fimo techniques in their booth at the "Stitches" Craft and Hobby Trade show in Birmingham. Gill was so gracious to show me around so I invited her to visit my little home town in the Missouri Ozarks. She and her husband John took me up on the offer. Now, any trip to the Ozarks is not complete without a visit to LAMBERTS CAFE!

We've been on sort of a "culture" blend, sharing stories and words....and "what do you call this.....what do you call that...." We wanted to make them feel at home. One of their common

Back to see you tomorrow....we're headed to Branson for their site seeing tour, a shopping trip to the Branson Landing...and who knows what else.......
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Im Excited...You excited??
The last time I took Mariah on a business trip with me was to one of the last tapings of the Carol Duvall Show. The whole way there, from the time she got up in the morning she said..."I'm excited - you excited???. I must have heard this a gagillion times by the time we got to the studio in California. There she met Karen Thomas from Yasutomo...you know the origami paper folding specialist??... Karen caught on real quick to the "I'm excited" buzzz....and her and Mariah went around all day asking each other that. After the trip on the way home...Mariah was no longer "excited"...she" had fun"...so on the way home it was "I had fun-did you have fun?" This has since become a joke with us whenever we fly.
Well...today is another travel day and Mariah is traveling to her first CHA. Guess what she said the first thing she woke up in the morning...(besides...i have to get up already???). That's right. IM EXCITED - YOU EXCITED??????
That's all the excitement for today folks....it's time to board the plane....
Well...today is another travel day and Mariah is traveling to her first CHA. Guess what she said the first thing she woke up in the morning...(besides...i have to get up already???). That's right. IM EXCITED - YOU EXCITED??????
That's all the excitement for today folks....it's time to board the plane....
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Up for a challenge.........

It's CHA (Craft and Hobby Association) trade show time again, which means Im frantically making samples for the AMACO booth, getting everything in order before the early AM flight to Chicago tomorrow.
This year, I was asked to demonstrate Craft Porcelain at a special demonstration event taking place on the center of the show floor. Typically, I think of Craft Porcelain to make beautiful flowers, because it dries to a beautiful porcelain like finish as the name implies. But my theme was making gifts and jewelry....so that was the challenge. I'm really enjoying this blog because as I read the archives, I can see the different styles and moods that affect my designs. I don't know what it is...but Im in this altered-y art, asian kind of mode - with a little daub of earthy mixed in. Thus it was a bit of a challenge to creating something that wasn't vintage looking or floral. Here's a sneek peak at the outcome.
You can read all about Craft Porcelain by visiting my website. There's a special link just for tips and tricks in working with it. It is an air-dry clay. So it is a little different than working with polymer clay. I've featured a couple of designs on the Carol Duvall Show and DIY's Jewelry Making show. The link to those projects are on my website...just click the picture of Carol and I.
I'll be back later this week with some of the inside scoop from the CHA Trade floor so stay tuned......... OH...and don't forget to subscribe to my blog...it only takes a second. See ya soon!
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Keep up with the Buzz - Subscribe to this blog!
Hello Everyone! I have hopefully gone thru all the steps properly in order for you to sign up for a subscription to the ArtBuzz blog. Follow the link that is available on the side bar if you are interested. I'd love to see you join!
Friday, July 13, 2007
One trip down...and on to the next
With the BEADS BAUBLES AND JEWELS 7th season of shows all wrapped up, Im now back in the studio briefly...had to run and turn on the internet to read Katie Hacker's latest blog. I think we're in some sort of blog war....it's as if we're trying to outblog each other. It's all good though! Katie and I have been industry friends for quite a while...but sadly never really had time to just sit and get to know one another. We'll that ended last night as we sat and chatted about all sorts of things at TAZA restaurant near the studio. It was a great way to end a very inspiring trip. She gave me some great ideas to do with clay...and Im not sure what I gave her...but sometimes you just need that extra nudge to get you over the creative block. I was really needing that "refresher" too. It seems like I can get hemmed in working by myself in the studio.
She posted a really great blog about the guests who were at the show...so be sure to read her blog (follow the link on this page). I think she tells the story very well.
So with that being said...I now have 4 days to prepare for the Summer CHA show. I need to get craft porcelain samples ready to go, put together my demonstrations and my class kits for the More than Memories class on Friday night. It's an over sold class....so a big thanks if you happen to be one of those attendee's. Im very much looking forward to meeting you. We're going to have a great time!
One thing I might mention or remind you if you happened to have forgotten. I pulled up the HGTV website for Carol Duvall shows (click on the craft link - then on Carol Duvall) while I had some time to waste in the airport. If you will do a search for my name, you will be able to watch the Scrapbooking in clay segment that I did. (havent found a way to direct link this or I would) It's from one of the last seasons. Also, my friend, and fellow designer turned sales rep, Lisa Galvin shows you how to create decorative night light using metal techniques - so be sure to search for her name too.
She posted a really great blog about the guests who were at the show...so be sure to read her blog (follow the link on this page). I think she tells the story very well.
So with that being said...I now have 4 days to prepare for the Summer CHA show. I need to get craft porcelain samples ready to go, put together my demonstrations and my class kits for the More than Memories class on Friday night. It's an over sold class....so a big thanks if you happen to be one of those attendee's. Im very much looking forward to meeting you. We're going to have a great time!
One thing I might mention or remind you if you happened to have forgotten. I pulled up the HGTV website for Carol Duvall shows (click on the craft link - then on Carol Duvall) while I had some time to waste in the airport. If you will do a search for my name, you will be able to watch the Scrapbooking in clay segment that I did. (havent found a way to direct link this or I would) It's from one of the last seasons. Also, my friend, and fellow designer turned sales rep, Lisa Galvin shows you how to create decorative night light using metal techniques - so be sure to search for her name too.
Thursday, July 12, 2007
New Webisode's coming!
I think I can breathe a little sigh of relief. I was really looking forward to this day last week - getting these shows behind me without a glitch. You always want to put your best foot forward for the companies you are representing and Im real happy with the way the Web-i-sodes turned out. Im confident you'll enjoy the unique way these technique classes are presented in what we call "The Clay Cafe'". Im not exactly sure when they will go live, but I will be sure to let you know. Stay tuned for more pics and photo's from the show.
More Behind the Scenes from Beads Baubles and Jewels
Right now Im in the green room at the Studio, chillin out and waiting for Katie to finish her last 7 segments so I can tape my webisodes. I had thought I seen Katie earlier sneeking a blog post, so I just had to check hers out....sure enough...she posted... But not all the details I might add..... Im thinking she doesnt want her little secret out....
But Katie tapes her segments in her flip flops....no kidding....
for more funny stuff about the show - and maybe even a quirky little thing about me...visit Katies blog by visiting my favorite links.
But Katie tapes her segments in her flip flops....no kidding....
for more funny stuff about the show - and maybe even a quirky little thing about me...visit Katies blog by visiting my favorite links.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
It's back to Cleveland to tape another season of Beads Baubles and Jewels. Im just in the hotel room chillin out before the big taping day tomorrow. I have to say that I am very privledged to be able to hang out with some of the industries best designers!!! Katie Hacker is here taping for two days. She is just a wealth of information and creative inspiration. She is amazing on camera - so calm, cool and collected. She is here representing Beadalon. Today she taped 13 "Focus on Findings" segments - YOU GO GIRL!
I always look forward to meeting new people too and today was no exception. I met a very talented textile/jewelry artist name Crystal. You'll see her featured in Pure Allure segments during the 700 series. Don't miss her hand painted silk segment. I have to tell you that pillow ... mmm mmm mmm.....(drooling) is simply to die for.... Lots of inspiration for beads - and not just for jewelry.
Thought I'd give you a sneek peek into one of the projects that I'll be taping tomorrow. We've all seen the fashion trend of "Brown being the NEW black..." So I'll be featuring techniques on creating a faux wood necklace. It had kind of a organic...earthy feel to it. So easy and simple to create....so all you who've been "thinking" about creating something with clay....quit thinking...and get to creating. I'll make it so simple you wont be able to resist.
I always look forward to meeting new people too and today was no exception. I met a very talented textile/jewelry artist name Crystal. You'll see her featured in Pure Allure segments during the 700 series. Don't miss her hand painted silk segment. I have to tell you that pillow ... mmm mmm mmm.....(drooling) is simply to die for.... Lots of inspiration for beads - and not just for jewelry.

Im also excited to be able to host three segments of AMACO's new WEB-I-SODES entitled "Clay Cafe". These segments will be a little edgy - trendy...but most of all bubbly and fun. We'll feature current trends and techniques to give you that creative jump you need to get started. To kick off this new "on demand TV series" we're featuring Semi-precious stones. Learn how to mix clay into creating semi-precious stones in a fun - inviting and creative way. I dont think you'll have seen clay presented like this before...so you're going tune in....but just to help you get curious......here's a photo...

It's going to be a creative next few months. Next week Im off to Summer CHA in Chicago. Mariah is going with me for the first time. I think it will be a great learning experience for her. My England friends Gill and her husband John will be coming back with me from CHA to Missouri for a couple of days of "holiday". After that My hubby and I are off for a "holiday" of our own in San Francisco. By that time it will be August and I will continue working on my next book, due in September and scheduled for release in Summer 08.
After that, I'll take a deep breath and say once again - where did the summer go??? Though I can't complain, trip to St. Louis, a float trip down the buffalo River in Arkansas, Branson to see Allison Krauss, Cleveland, Chicago, San Francisco and then London....I'm havin fun.......It's been one of the best summers with the family in a long time.
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