Monday, August 27, 2007
Scrapbooking....in disguise!

Thursday, August 23, 2007
Bead Rolling is a family affair!

My!!!! OH my!!!!!....I sure have been on a colorful journey lately!!!
Usually one night every couple of weeks or so, my Mom would fix leftovers (my Grandma Molden would call them mustgo's) ....you know...leftovers...a little bit of this... a little bit of that...whatever you had on hand in the fridge. No matter what leftover's we had, my Mom sure had a way of bringing it all together for a yummy meal. You might say that this bracelet fits that description because it's full of all sorts of great bead ingredients which make way for some delicious and tasty bead soup jewelry ! You'll find these and other bead making techniques in my latest book "Bead Techniques - Clay Jewelry with Bead Rollers"
This bracelet along with a Faux Jade Necklace, on display in the AMACO booth during the Winter CHA 07 trade show, caught the eye of the buyers and educational department of JoAnn Stores. Instructions for this project are available on the JoAnn's website.
The Faux Jade necklace is where my real family affair story begins. JoAnn stores decided that they would like to have live samples of the Faux Jade Necklace in select stores and asked if I would be willing to make them! I was honored. What I didn't know, was the necklaces were going to be featured in 235 select stores!
The project took an entire 8 weeks to complete. As I neared the deadline, I had everyone in the family involved. Mariah mixed the clay while my husband Dana, my mom & my dad, and Elise made the base beads. Then, they handed them over to me for stamping, hole poking and baking. Once baked, Mariah painted them, the rock tumbler sanded them and then we sealed them. I strung most of the necklaces in the car on a weekend trip to St. Louis. We all worked together and eventually completed nearly 2600 beads. Each bead had 7 different steps.
The good news?.. We finished on time. It was really alot of fun to have the whole family involved in the project, together in the studio, laughing, sharing old stories and creating new memories. (now when Im in the studio...and I get the bead rollers out...the kids say.."Run away...Run away!!..." - just kidding. They actually used this experience and design their own beads now)
As soon as I get my hands on a copy of the project sheet, I'll post it for all of you. In the meantime, if you happen to be in one of those select JoAnn stores and you see the jade necklace take a moment to remember a time when your family was all together working as a team....maybe doing some yard work or planting flowers ...or during a family gathering...or a planning wedding...whatever it is, I hope it brings you "warm fuzzies" and that you'll continue to create great family moments for many years to come.
Do you have great crafting with family stories??? Please share them!
Next time on the Art Buzz......HOT LINKS! Don't miss them!
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Don't let the Summer heat ruin your CLAY DAY!
Make your trip to the craft store your last trip of the day. Polymer clay begins it's curing process at 90 degrees. It doesn't totally cure...but it is on it's way. We all know that temperatures in the car get well over 200 degrees and now that Fimo is curing at 230 degrees you could wind up with a nice baked solid color paperweight (otherwise known as a cured block of clay). We DON'T want that to happen!!!
So..what if you wind up with some slightly baked clay...is all lost? NO! Chop it in a food processor (totally devoted to clay), add a few drops of baby oil or veggie oil to the mix. The friction created in the machine and the oil will help to rejuvinate clay that has lost a little bit of it's life due to old age or a little heat stroke. Condition the clay until it's soft and pliable thru the pasta machine.
I know that these tips aren't rocket science...and you've probably heard them before. It's always good to have a little refresher reminder.
Happy Summertime Clay Time!!...until next time on the ArtBuzz.....
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Let's have a party!.... WITH BEADS!
The inspiration for this piece came from the Masquerade costume designed by Liz Welch and embellished with Friendly Plastic. The color palette she used became the focus of these beads. Using the Tube Bead Rollers really made the task of creating so many beads easy and fast. The result was this very fun....very FUNky chunky necklace ensemble. You could just keep adding and adding charms or anything you like to make it uniquely you!
I hope this necklace provides you with inspiration to just create....and not really worry about each individual bead - the whole creative process without regard to the outcome is quite therapeutic
And ....if you need a little more inspiration, click on my BRAND NEW flickr gallery page. I feature of my favorite whimsical characters from years gone by.... to my new updated jewelry gallery. Just click here!...and if you care to...leave a message, I'd love to hear from you...
Until next time on the ArtBuzz................................
Thursday, August 16, 2007
What's old....has become New!

Monday, August 13, 2007
This weeks Art Buzz Hot Links
- Love to create Jewelry but just don't know where to begin?? Check out my latest book BEAD TECHNIQUES - Clay Jewelry with a bead roller. I feature kits for every budget, from the basic "get addicted" to the totally addicted on my website - Linda Peterson Designs.com. (By the way...hubby's...these make great "just because I love you gifts")
- How To TV Online - on demand craft TV featuring projects from your favorite PBS series shows. The Kids Channel features a beginning clay series complete with a teddy bear project
- Polymer Clay People - A great mix of talented people who will share anything they know about clay with anyone who wants to know something about clay. If you have a question - someone will have an answer. There are well known pc artists members as well as those who are just starting out.
- National Polymer Clay Guild - Great resources of information from tutorials, workshop information and national events
- Katie Hacker - of course my beading buddy always has interesting and creative ideas to share, this week she features her blast from the past.
- CF Originals - she combines my love to characters into my new love of art jewelry and beads - what a work of art!
- Carol Duvall Show ONLINE any time - check out this weeks featured segments - click on Crafts then Carol Duvall
- Polymer Clay Productions - New video working with alcohol based dyes and an interview with one of my mentors and friends Maureen Carlson
- HGTV Polymer Clay Projects - Here's a listing of all the polymer clay projects you've seen on Carol Duvall along with all the project sheets for the shows.
That should give you enough reading and surfing for a little while...I'll be back to share what's happening in the studio this week....it think I'm going to explore creating focal beads with caning techniques...
Have links to share?????? Post a comment and I'll include them in the next Hot Links
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
That was then....this is now....

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Sunday, August 5, 2007
Has it really been THAT long ago???
Oh...has it really been that long ago that we've given up the typewriter? Now today, Im seeing manual typewriters being taken apart and their parts used in Heritage scrapbook pages. I must be getting old. Computers are now an integral part of our lives and I certainly can't get by without mine.
It does'nt seem "that" long ago that I started my art career, but it has been over 15 years ago. My mother has alot of my beginning work. Hopefully this week I'll get over to her house to photo some of those vintage pieces to show you. We all have to start somewhere and it's amazing how we improve and evolve.
Stay tuned for the blast from the past...
Friday, August 3, 2007
An up and coming artist makes her debut in Art Jewelry Magazine

A little while back she was doodling on her magna doodle and drew a picture of "our wedding day". I instantly snatched the doodle, captured a photo and digitized it making jewelry pieces and charms from components of the picture. When I showed her what I did with her art, she was even more inspired and created "TULIPS".
Amaco featured "TULIPS" (called "Pewter Tulips") in their ad campaign which appears in the September 2007 issue of ArtJewelry magazine. Please check it out. Project instructions for the necklace are located on the AMACO.com website.

"Our Wedding Day" and "Fashion Diva" drawn by 10 year old Elise are both scheduled to appear the up coming issue of Belle Armoire Jewelry.
Since Julia's first drawings I've nicknamed her "Picasso" or "Pic" for short. She nicknamed me "pigasso"or "pig" for short (lovely nickname) I don't think she understands that Picasso is a compliment! Oh well...after all she's only five. (Thats - four fingers with the thumb popped out or so she tells us)
In any regard, artwork seems to know no bounderies or age limits....maybe you have a young inspiring picasso living in your house too.....Bet this will give you a whole new perspective at looking at their artwork!
Julia's in the house now drawing more artwork....better get inside to see what she's created for me......
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Featured links of the moment
- Girlfriendology - a blog created by my friend Debba Haupert celebrating girl-friendships
- GirlfriendologyToo - Debba recently started this to share creative ideas and inspiration on gifts to create for those special girl-friends (Psssssst....I love handmade gifts..hint ..hint)
- PolymerClayTV - new videos and interviews of talented clay artists just posted
- Katie Hacker's back from vacation and back to blogging. She shares a bit of how she decorates her studio..... (thanks for making me feel at home..) Check back because Katie and I are going to take you on a real "Blast from the Past". Ohhh....are you in for a surprize......
- Comparison test on all brands of polymer clay: This information was originally posted on yahoogroups: polymer clay people. I found it the results of this third party test interesting. The liquid clays were tested every which way possible. Fimo Gel came out a winner! (this was the one I couldnt remember to post......)
The Buzzzzzz on New Polymer Clay and Jewelry books
Let me share with you what I found:
- The Art of Polymer Clay - Surface Techniques by Donna Kato - (my good friend....she calls me "kid"). This book is a delight for the senses. Beautiful pictures of jewelry are laced throughout the book and Donna graciously showcases the work of many talented jewelry artists. The techniques featured are simply amazing, easy to understand, allowing for exceptional results. I particularly enjoyed the section she has on creating her own molds. (Something I explored yesterday in the studio before I read the book). She gave me lots of creative inspiration on how to create your own molds...my mind is spinning with ideas. You MUST have this book! You won't be disappointed. It's like having a Donna in your studio whenever you need her....
- Fabulous Jewelry and Found Objects by Martha LeVan: I perused this book with awe. The inspiration inside is simply magnificent. It certainly makes me think about objects in a whole new light.....who says you can't use old, distressed pencils for jewelry or parts of "pop" soda cans for bracelets. I appreciated the variety of artists featured in this book as well. A very talented group of people. If you are looking to take your jewelry pieces beyond the ordinary...then you'll certainly want this book!
As for the status on my "Making Beads" book, Im developing projects in the studio. Yesterdays feature was creating molds to make focal pendants and beads along with creating semi precious stones. If there's a technique you would like to see in the book, please share your ideas..
A couple of quickies.......dont forget to tune into PolymerclayTV tomorrow for part two of the Bottles of Hope ceremony at the AMACO book at CHA.
Also, please take a second to fill out the survey along the side...just curious what "buzzes" you.
And finally, Im having trouble with the subscription service thru feedburner. It's not showing any of my subscribers. If you subscribe by email, would you kindly let me know that you received this edition of the buzz??? Thanks a bunch!
Thats all for now......................stay tuned for the next edition of the Art Buzzzzzzzzzzzzzz