Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Monday, December 29, 2008

There are some changes - good changes from the previous POM club's:
- Better quality photo's
- Better image editing - print the projects out and at the end of the year you'll have a book!
- Access to the POM Club blog for members only
- Access to downloadable videos four times a year that you can watch over and over again.
All the projects are brand new - never before published at the time they are released to members. Full color step by step photo's. Easy enough for beginners, but techniques to please the seasoned polyclayer! Projects will feature whimiscal fun designs including figurine characters, photo frames, ink pin holders and other gift making ideas.
Here's what you can look forward to:
- January - Snowmen and penguins
- February - Love (featuring lovable bears!)
- March - Going green - (you're going to love this whimsical project)
April showers - learn how to create realistic fake water adding dimension to your designs
May - flowers - we'll learn simple millifiore techniques and how these can add WOW to your characters - June - Members choice - I'll take ideas from YOU to create what YOU want to see!
- July - Let's barbeque! Party theme
- August - Precious pets - this is dedicated to my darling daschund pen on Carol Duvall
- September - Back to school
- October - Harvest scarecrows and pumpkin
- November - Giving thanks....what are you thankful for?
- December- Gingerbread men and friends

This is the tentative editorial calendar for the 2009 season. It is subject to change based on members choice or requests.
Projects will be released on or about the 5th of the month. Projects are in PDF format and will require an adobe reader. This format is compatable with most computers.
$40 gets you all this for the entire year, plus all your questions answered...just drop me an email! Think of the POMS as a monthly class, full of lots of information, techniques and ideas. We'll have fun and create lots of exciting things!
Im looking forward to you joining! The first project will be released this Friday!!
Just click on the ADD to Cart button to join! or email me for additional information
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Penguins and Gingerbread Characters

Much of my work is inspired by my kids. This one happens to be inspired by my son Alex. (Alex is probably going to think his mom lost her marbles when he reads this...but....) When he was a little guy, he was always pushing or pulling something. I remember when he first learned to crawl, he would push the box of wipes around the living room making little motor car noises. To him, everything was a car or motorcycle. He had quite an imagination!

When he got a little older, his Great Grandpa bought him a red tractor to ride. It looked like a little miniature riding lawn mower. His feet would barely touch the pedals, but that never deterred him from getting some rope and tieing up cars and wagons or whatever he could to pull behind him. He was such an adorable little boy.....now he's a handsome young man who's about to turn 20! Talk about making me feel old!

I love winter, I love sledding and I love family time. While I may not be able to stop Alex from growing up, I can keep those memories alive in my characters.
Where do you get your inspiration?
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Weekend with the family! Lots of memories to scrapbook

Friday, December 19, 2008

Thursday, December 18, 2008
Hot Metal Jewelry on a COLD WINTRY DAY!

Well......all I can say it that its a good excuse to get all warm and cozy and creative in the studio. Metal Jewelry is HOT HOT HOT!!! I seem to be on a whirlwind making it. Just like me - I go in crazes...there's just so much I want to explore.!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Did you take the Creative Challenge???
Amazingly many of you took me up on the offer!!
Missy K. took me up on the challenge and sent me this picture and email:
Thank you!! He's all because of you! After you told me the best thing to do was jump right in and try making stuff I grabbed my sculpey 3 clay and while my DH was playing Spyro decided to try to make his head from a pic on the case. I didn't expect it to come out so cute...figured after that he needed a body so then it was on...LOL!! The shading is from airbrushing & antiquing him. I made a sword,shield and I am going to make a helmut and base,then add a plaque/banner thing that says something like " time for my after dinner nap" since he looks sleepy...LOL!! In your opinion do you think he might sell if I wanted to try to list him on e-bay?
Look at the detail she added to this character! Doesn't he come to life? I love his sleepy eyes...gives him lots of personality. And....she sculpted this from a picture from one of her husbands video games! She went beyond her comfort zone and just tried! I am a true believer that once you get the concept of my Six Simple Shape technique your characters will also come to life and you will be able to create anything. It makes the difference from a character just sitting there lifeless to one that envokes emotions and feelings! I think Missy did an amazing job! YOU GO GIRL!
So...TAG YOUR IT!!! Show me what YOU can do!!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Arranging Silk Flowers Book! It's Arrived
How long has it been since someone special has given you a bouquet of flowers? That long huh??? (BUM!) Well...if it's been THAT long...quit waiting...give yourself some flowers...you deserve it!
Earlier this year I went to England to work on my latest book Arranging Silk Flowers. I'm glad to announce that it's arrived. And it is UNBELIEVABLY GORGEOUS!! No...Im not bragging about my work....Im actually bragging about my photographers and stylists work. The images in this book and the way the book was put together is just gorgeous. This is one of those books you could display on your coffee table in your formal living room.
The concept behind the book is to create the look of fresh flowers, quickly, easily and economically. The designs in the book range from traditional to contemporary decor. Have you priced flower arrangements? Some of them are hundred's of dollars! Seriously....I had no idea until I started researching the book! But you can create these looks for alot lot less...and you'll have them to enjoy forever!
You know me...Im always trying to find a way to create the look for next to nothing. I believe the designs in this book inspire you and show you that you don't have to spend a million dollars to look a million dollars.
Thanks for letting me share. If you are interested in your signed copy, email me. They are $19.95 plus $5.00 priority shipping.
A special thanks to Cindy Richards, Liz Dean of Cico books - you did an amazing job! Geoff Dann and Emma Mitchell for stunning photography! Rose Hammick for beautiful styling. Thanks to my amazing editor Marie Clayton and I can't fail to mention a HUGE thanks to Lou and Christy at Martins Floral in Springfield, Missouri for helping me in my selection of flowers!
My name might be on the cover, but this book is really a great team effort! Thanks everyone!
Now....back to the instructions!
(photo's (c) 2008 Cico Books,)
Monday, December 15, 2008
Simulate the look of dichroic easily with Friendly Plastic
For less than $20 you can create a variety of these pendants and bracelets.

This bracelet incorporates some of that inspiration and friendly plastic along with a little bit of soldering. (let me tell ya....soldering can get addictive!)

Saturday, December 13, 2008
It's the thought that counts! Handmade gifts are the best!!!
I read your blog about challenging us to use what we have and become creative as well as trying to sculpt with the basic shapes to copy a picture. I haven't tried that yet but with times being so tough, I haven't had a lot of money for gifts or just to be crafty. I do a lot of the yahoo groups one of which is an Artist Trading Card group. One of the swaps was about our interpretation (did I spell that right?) of Father Christmas. I used some left over felt and jewels to make a sord of fuzzy Santa Clause.
I think many share the same view as Theresa, TIMES ARE TOUGH!!! But Theresa took the challenge and made something from materials she already had on hand. In times like these, crafts seem to take on more meaning and people look to them as a means to have something to do and save money. It's generally when the moneys a little tight, that I get the most creative and force myself to use what I already have. I don't dare step foot in a craft store -thats just torture!
Every year my dear Mother In Law make all of us girls a little something. Sometimes it's kitchen magnets, sometimes its pillows, this year it was a snowman decorated kitchen towel. Im sure that she didn't spend much money to make it....but what's most important is that she made it herself. It's the thought that counts and I LOVE IT!
So who cares that you dont spend gagillions on a gift..... I would much rather get something handmade by someone special - wouldn't you? That's PRICELESS!
Now....quit reading this and go dig out your stuff and make something!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Today's a better day! More snowfriends on ebay!
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
No Pink Elephants..... about yesterday's post
I talked with my good friend and very talented designer friend Jen today on the phone....we had a good laugh about yesterdays blog. See...the point of my blog post yesterday was look beyond the materials you use for creating and use those for something other than what it's really purposed for. (you know like the ball necklace chain to create the letter "E" or the hands of a clock to spell out another letter..." I got it...you probably got it, but Jen just thought she was supposed to stare at the picture until little pink elephants popped out. Sorry I dissappointed her,(or you...in case you were expecting to see something pop out) but we did have a good laugh and we did share some great ideas on what we are currently working on.
Its amazing, we live 14 hours apart and over the last few months, became somewhat disconnected with each other when life and family and summer got in the way...seems like whenever a few weeks goes by and we call or email to catch up - our minds are working on the same concepts. Scarey Scarey thought - for her that is...for me it's brilliant because she is a brilliant out of the box designer. We're both coming up with new ways to use Friendly plastic to create the effect dichroic and lampwork glass beads. When the idea is perfected...I'll share it on a tutorial.
Well...anyways...enough of my rambling on....to sum it up in a nutshell....think basic shapes. Okay..done with that story....Im tired....
It's been an interesting day.....the dog ate my power cord to the computer, so it died........(seriously)
but I'll be back tomorrow with pictures of ebay items and who knows what else?
Monday, December 8, 2008
Do you see what I SEE? Training your eye to view shapes

Sunday, December 7, 2008
Copper Cuff Bracelets - Metal Jewelry 101

Friday, December 5, 2008
More Winter Friends on Ebay!

Remember was it...um....flower the skunk on Bambi that had that shy little look to his eye? This is the expression I've tried to capture with this little gingerbread.
Just an update....
In any event, please email me and I will send you an invoice thru paypal to make the transaction smooth and stress free.
Thanks for everyone who's taken a look at my ebay auctions and to all the bidders. I will have more to put up later today.
Happy Creating!!
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Snowmen, Gingerbread, Penguins and more on Ebay

I have these little guys up on ebay if you care to take a look and own your very own Mariah's Collection figurine.

Click here to check out my auctions
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
In celebration of winter, Im offering my POM club CD for half price - so regularly $79 now just $39.99. There are over 75 projects on the cd in pdf format. Great ideas for gift making!
This offer is only good on my blog - just click on the buy now button.
To view a listing of the projects offered click here
Happy Claying!
Monday, December 1, 2008
Back in the Saddle....... Happy Winter Crafting
Thanks for being patient with the blog as I took my 5 month break! But Im back at it again. We enjoyed a wonderful summer as a family - lots of swimming and hanging out at the pool. Lots of fun trips to Branson, treasure hunts in the back yard with jewelry from the dollar jewelry store, Music shows (which by the way - If you travel to Branson you must go see SIX - They're awesome!) and in general just a great time with the family that I haven't had in years.
In October, hubby and I celebrated our 5th year wedding anniversary with a trip to Myrtle Beach, NC. We spent the week in a condo and went deep sea fishing nearly every day. It was so much fun! Then on the last day we saw the House of Blues advertising Kellie Pickler in concert. What a great show and a great way to wind up a fanstastic and memorable couples week!
Im back in the design mode. I've been papercrafting like crazy. Mariah and I are staring a custom wedding invitation business and I'm digging out and selling stuff on ebay - so check out my auctions which I'll be posting later tonight (mostly stamps and craft supplies) along with all my new books and just miscellaneous stuff! My ebay id is Mariah-doll.
Im back in the saddle, so email me! I look forward to sharing crafty ideas with you and inspiring you to create great art with your friends and family!