I should really do double projects in January because honestly I forget just how busy November and December are not to mention how fast the time just flies by. Which is exactly what happened this month.
But regardless of all that...the december project is ready and is by popular request. When I sent out a call on the ArtBuzz blog, several came back and said they wanted a snowy moose...which is right up my alley since I love rustic..moosy....lodgy decor. It just makes you feel so warm and cozy. In the chill of a Missouri winter....that is a great thing on a frigid cold day like today.
This is the LAST project of 2009. So if you joined in January, please re-new your subscription.
I will send out friendly reminders as well. Other subscriptions will continue until the month you joined.
To simplify things, I am only continuing the Polymer Clay Whimsical character POM club. I feel there is a real audience out there and very few of the polymer clay artists cater to your needs.
For your convienence you can click the Buy Now button below to renew or join for 2010!
2009 Project of the month club members
click here to go to the blog