Takin a break from the crafty scene to bring you highlights of our family vacation. Mostly bloggin for all the family at home so they can see what we're up to while we're away....
It's been YEARS since we took the whole family on a vacation...bits and pieces of us go.....but it's been a LOOONNGGG time since we all went at the same time. So Friday we loaded up the truck and we took the family on a road trip to Florida to see Mickey Mouse....
Here's a few highlights along the way.... It was an awesome road trip full of luscious quietness because everyone had their own computer and could watch their own movies...Ahhh peacefull Bliss...Highly recommend this if you're roadtrippin with a carload of kids! However, we did take time out to play road games and a game from "whose line is it anyway" where each person says one word...the first word that comes to mind to make up a story.....this was FUNNY and Julia kept us in stitches with her words...
We spent the night in Opelika, AlaBAMA! Good nights rest...woke up and headed down the road for a leisurly 5 hour trip......that took 8 hours...because we had a few stops along the way...
When I travel I try to look for the humerous side of things....and so check this out...
This was Gus's Drive In.....now notice the sign...Happy Hour $1 cold beer....okay...great deal...but if you put DRIVE IN with HAPPY HOUR together you soon realize that this is DRINKING IN YOUR CAR and DRIVING AWAY....seriously.....um....okay..enuf said. Hopefully they limit the happiness??? I dunno...but struck a funny ...not so funny cord...
Next the search was on for Fried Peanuts.....and boy did we hit the jackpot with this roadside stand...
Not only did they have peanuts.....they had sweet Watermelon...canteloupe...and peaches ..... and
Check out the sweetcorn!
MmmmMMmmMmmm goodness....

About $35 later we left there and continued on....Now the search was on for BBQ...
Found that at Fat Boys BBQ in Sylvester Georgia
Delicious and to die for.....bout as good as Big Daddy D's in Ozark, MO!

Julia and Dana had a little bit too much fun at the BBQ place...I think Dana is eatin this up!
Okay....we gotta hit the road or we will NEVER get there...
Next Stop...the FOUNTAINS in Orlando Florida
Ta-Da! We're Here Julia Says!
Here's a pic of the resort...
Kids are totally diggin the waterslide:
Grabbin a little lunch at the Wakoola Springs Grill
Then it's pool time....
Monday night we headed to Coco Beach for Nightime shark fishing...
Here's what we used for bait...a baracuda...CHECK OUT THOSE TEETH! This is one seriously wicked fish!
This was an amazing adventure. Alex caught a big huge mantaray...but lost iit after it bent his rod in half and broke his line. Dana caught a 5' shark...but it broke the line. Julia and Elise both caught lots of whitings....and We ended the night with Mariah 2 sharks, Alex a keeper shark, Dana one..and Me one.
apparently Alex was less than impressed with my humor...
and Elise wanted some shark sushi....
It was sooo late when we got back to the resort...but the kids were all wound up! Alex said he could stay there all night just to catch another one.....
This morning we all got to sleep in....had biscuits n gravy for breakfast...hung out at the pool...
And tonight we enjoyed the fruits of our labor with a friend shark dinner! MMMmmmMMMmm Good!
We went to family game show night in the club house and played "Are you Smarter than a Fifth Grader"...and guess what? We won a virtual MILLION DOLLARS!!! One had to use one "save" and won a free day in a pool Cabana worth $70...how bout that?? OH YEAH!
Tomorrow we're headin to SeaWorld!