
Friday, September 24, 2010

Reduced, Reused and Recycled with a Vintage Steampunk theme

It's dry!  Finally after a couple of days of setting at home with no one touching it - Our found object mosaic stone is ready to be planted somewhere around the house in a prominent spot.  I'm thinking this will have to be a annual family project. 

We added bits of glass and if you use your imagination very will see the Eiffel tower in the center.  The bling marbles is ...well...a given considering every girl need a little bling and now if I loose my marbles I will know where they are...heavily sunk and affixed into concrete!

The letters are obviously representing our name - The "L" we made by breaking off an "E" and the poor "R" got his leg broke to become the "P"..

We're both pleased with how the tile came out and I know every time we look at it we will remember the day we created it at the Walnut Street Cidar Days. 

On to my little project of wonders.  I've been inspired lately...especially with designing the projects for my next book - MetalWork Jewelry - to create with objects that are found or in some other way to be recycled and upcycled or repurposed in a way you might not have thought to use them.  I'm also focusing on texture and bringing lots of mixed media, textiles and such to create interest. 

Bottle cap jewelry isn't new, but I have noticed a trend where it's popping up all over in the boutique stores.  And why not?  They have great texture, and a great surface to work with.  So I knew that for this project I wanted to work with bottle caps.  I wanted a vintage feel, I wanted to upcycle, I wanted bling and I wanted an out of the ordinary way to string it all together into a wonderful piece of steampunk style, vintage art.

Thus, the story a couple of days ago about the ribbon...

Made my own ribbon, distressed some washers, repurposed some old wire, reused a broken chain and blinged up some bottle caps.....

A few days in the making...but for me - well worth the wait!

Im off to pack....headin out for the big book shoot for a couple of weeks.

For members of my POM club...I have the project done...but not written have not been forgotten! Promise!  It'll be out soon!


  1. Hi Linda- It was great to meet you at the Creative Connection. Your Beading In No Time book is full of surprises. There is something for everyone, with diverse styles showcased alongside plentiful techniques. A good read. And I look forward to your newest (being a lover of the rusty, found and discarded).
