
Sunday, September 26, 2010

These are the people in your neighborhood...

I remember absolutely loving Sesame Street when I was growing up and Im not afraid to admit it.  It's kinda funny, because when I travel I often think of that song and sing to myself "These are the people in your neighborhood....they're the people that you meet when you're walking down the street (or in the airport - but that doesn't rhyme)...they're the people that you meet each day. 

I can spend hours people watching, so having a four hour layover yesterday in Chicago was no big deal.  I bring stuff to work on...take a break and people watch.  There's always something that keeps me busy.  I am a people person.  I must look like a people person too...because yesterday was the day people took the time to strike up conversations with me.

Im sitting in the food court, it's packed and every seat is a free for all. There's an empty seat next to me, but not for long.  Soon a guy sits there and asks me where I am headed.  He tells me that he's just come from Germany visiting his brother.  I later learn that his brother is a musician and is credited with working with Donna Summer and writing her first big hig - Love to Love you Baby...and works with Chaka Kahn and ...oh...can't remember the rest...  Im thinking  - is this for real?  Maybe...maybe not...but you just don't know who's in your neighborhood unless you engage in a conversation...short lived as it may have been.

Next, I think I found the only electrical outlet for miles as it was at a premium and attracted lots of people to ask if they could use the extra plug.   One pair was a mother/daughter from Iowa - let's see her name was Denise and her daughters name was Jan.  Jan was 14 and her phone was in doornail dead...lack of connectivity...OMG the world is going to end if I can't text my friends and update my status on Facebook d and let them know Im about to board the plane to England - dead .  They sat down beside me but Jan's plug would not fit the outlet so I offered her to connect to my computer so she could get a little charge. 

They too were on their way to England.  They were from Iowa and had never been outside the country - however they had managed to do some sort of archaeological dig in their back yard and proceeded to tell me all about the Mastadon lower jaw bone they had found near the creek on their property.  Denise has just bought a book on the history of Mastadons, how they got their name, when they lived, what they they became extinct...all about Mastadons...and I got quite the education...not on a subject I would have thought about...but I know.

My thought the entire time was...why go to school when you can hang out at the airport and get an education???

Next I met a man who was a sales rep for an outdoor furniture company - he too needed a phone charge....  When he asked what I did and I told him, he asked about blogging and proceeded to tell me he needed someone to blog for him...well..networking me was quick to tell him what I could offer him in the social networking field and we exchanged cards.  Who knows?  May not go anywhere? then just may...we will see.

We flew on a 777 which is the biggest plane in the American Airline Fleet - here's a tip...blink your eyes a little and you'll get a free bottle of wine from the flight attendants...yeah...ZZZZZZZZZzzzzz..woke up to about an hour left on the flight....NICE!

A couple of years ao I did a whole parity blog on "how to find a taxi in London" and while I don't think I can top that...I can add to it this time, so tomorrow I will stand on the corner waiting for my ride to the studio and collect pictures of taxi's as they go by....

But for's a few interesting things I saw.... This is the street my hotel is on...

You know at some point this week I will be blogging about food.... And I often get comments about my posts making people hungry when I travel...

All I can say is do NOT turn me loose in an M & S market when Im hungry.....All the prepared foods are wild...and of course I will eat - just about anything....just about...cept meatloaf...(another story)...but here's some sandwich and potato chip combinations that you probably will not find in the USA...

And to my cousin Julie, I thought of you when I bought Duck and Orange Pate' and spread it over my Olive crackers....just sayin.....

Then theres the Crisps that should accompany any sandwich....flavors such as...Beefsteak and cheese..and these other delicious recipes...

The above flavors would be...Cumberland Sausage, Sweet Thai Chilli and Corriander (love these) and Lamb and Mint flavor (I'll let you know on that one).  Then there are the Seasalt Rosemary and Roast Garlic and the four cheese and onion chips which should be pretty good too.    Of course when I come visit I have to have my milk chocolate digestive biscuits....and my Dr. Pepper - which is a bit funny because my Dr. Pepper says "serve ice cold" and I'll be danged if you can find any ice around here....It's a joke amongst my British friends that I only drink cold drinks and they have to purchase "ice trays" for when I visit....oh well...I have to buy a kettle when they visit sayin....

On my way down High Holborn street...I happened on this window.  It's an entire dining room done in cardboard.  The table simulated a gi-normous matchbox and the cakes on the table...yeah..uh.uh...carboard and fabric...

All the decor in the back is you guessed it...cardboard, the chandelier  - it was just the coolest.  Okay..I digress the dinnerware is not cardboard, but the pastries are...they looked just like chocolate...
Way cool! Great way to recycle huh?

It's off to the studio tomorrow to begin long days of photography. 

Im hopin to be tunin in for tomorrow's Cool2Craft show and let you see and "Inside" look on what's going on here...but we'll have to see how things are going and if I have adequate internet.'s hopin...

Please be sure to join Tiffany and all of our crafty friends on Cool2Craft Live - just click: at 11am central, 12 noon eastern and if you're in the UK it's 5pm.

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