Continuing on the theme of Hope......sometimes, you have to have courage....
That's tough! Courage is a tough thing to muster when you're in unfamiliar territory...or when you don't know what lies ahead ....and everything around you seems bleak....
So another glimpse into some really raw emotion....that I just had to get down on canvas.....
Anyone who is diagnosed with cancer....definately has to muster up the courage to FIGHT!
It's not just a battle for those's really a family affects everyone around you....
And so I made this canvas... It reminds me of the courage it took for Mariah, my daughter to fight....and the courage it takes my Mom to fight now....and it also reminds me to take courage when things are a little dim...
I cut words from the newspaper....mod podged...painted...stripped...glued...sewed...just about every technique I could think of....and it was soooo muuuccchhh fun!!!!
Even though this canvas is small's really bumpy and I did try to see what would happen if I just plunked it down on my scanner....and no go...It was full of light and dark that's what makes the Flip-Pal(R) Mobile Scanner sooo wonderful is that what it scans is so close you get a nice crisp picture with no light or dark spots and no shadows....
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
"How to Make Polymer Clay Beads" gets a book review by Billie
Google alerts!! Wow those little things are amazing! You enter your name or a phrase and anytime that appears on the web, you get an email notification. So today, like many other days, my inbox was full of google alerts on my name..(watch out though..because google alerts will even alert you to your possible did mine one time...same name..same town...different state thought...WHEW!)
When I opened it...I found this....
A copy of my book along with a fabulous...make your day...kinda book review......
Here's an exerpt:
Summing up
This book delivers! There’s nothing I hate more than books entitled ‘The Complete’ or ‘The Bible of X product’ which simply do not deliver.
This book on the other hand has an unassuming title ‘How to make Polymer Clay Beads’ and as the advert says, it does just what it says on the tin. You can make some truely stunning pieces using the instructions in this book but if like me you tend to read instructions as a jumping off point and like to take them in your own direction then this book is ideal. The book teaches you techniques, which once mastered could be used in many ways for all kinds of projects.
So a THANK YOU to Billie...who didnt have to go to the effort of writing that review....but I'm so glad she did...
You can read the full review and see more of Billies other inspiration by visiting:
When I opened it...I found this....
A copy of my book along with a fabulous...make your day...kinda book review......
Here's an exerpt:
Summing up
This book delivers! There’s nothing I hate more than books entitled ‘The Complete’ or ‘The Bible of X product’ which simply do not deliver.
This book on the other hand has an unassuming title ‘How to make Polymer Clay Beads’ and as the advert says, it does just what it says on the tin. You can make some truely stunning pieces using the instructions in this book but if like me you tend to read instructions as a jumping off point and like to take them in your own direction then this book is ideal. The book teaches you techniques, which once mastered could be used in many ways for all kinds of projects.
So a THANK YOU to Billie...who didnt have to go to the effort of writing that review....but I'm so glad she did...
You can read the full review and see more of Billies other inspiration by visiting:
New Video - FPTV - Making decorative art bowls with Friendly Plastic Pellets
These decorative bowls are so much fun to make because each one turns out totally different and unique. Vary they texture with different stamps, add different colors of embossing powders, paint and maybe even a little Rub-N-Buff(R) to give it a little extra glow... Enjoy!
Is there some technique you want to see featured in an upcoming segment of Friendly Plastic TV? Contact us
Linda Peterson is compensated and endorsed by AMACO. The guests features may or may not have any affiliation with AMACO.
Is there some technique you want to see featured in an upcoming segment of Friendly Plastic TV? Contact us
Linda Peterson is compensated and endorsed by AMACO. The guests features may or may not have any affiliation with AMACO.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Linda Peterson Live - Secret Sugar Scrub Recipe by Tiffany Windsor
Tiffany Windsor shares her secret sugar scrub recipe on the "Warm and Fuzzy" January 24th episode of Linda Peterson LIVE.
Be sure to check out all the shows on the Cool2Craft Network and click on the tab LIVE TV
Linda Peterson Live will air again February 21st with Celebrating Spring - Bloomin flowers as the theme. Mark your calendars to join us!
You can register to win a free class from CrafTECH University by simply subscribing to our feed!! We have lots of classes to give away so you have lots of chances to win. Just enter your email address into the subscribe box on this page. Open your confirmation email and confirm your address - It's soooo easy!
Also be sure to "LIKE" us on our Facebook
Big D's Venison Chili - A Family Favorite on Linda Peterson Live
I am so excited for this segment and the chance to join my husband, Dana in the kitchen! Dana is an avid hunter and has developed quite a reputation amongst his friends as being a wild game gourmet chef. He is often asked to cater special events and has won several awards in amatuer BBQ contests. Today Dana shares his favorite wild game venison chili recipe. Many of the ingredients are those we've grown in our own garden. If home grown isn't an option, please consider supporting your local farmers market.
Big D's Venison Chili - serves a small army
(c) 2005 Dana Peterson
5 lbs. venison burger -you could also substitute buffalo, caribou, elk, moose - just whatever you have on hand :)5 onions
3 green peppers
4 celery stalks
2 Qts. home canned tomatoes
2 cans kidney beans
2 cans pinto beans
1t garlic powder
1t salt
1t pepper
4T chili powder
2T bacon fat
1 can of rotel
*Note: Tomatoes and beans are not drained
Brown burger over medium heat; drain
In large skillet, saute' onion, green pepper and celery in bacon fat.
In large stockpot, combine sauteed veggies, meat and all remaining ingredients except for beans
Heat to boiling; reduce heat and simmer 1 hour. Add beans. Cook additional 30 minutes uncovered.
The beans and the tomatoes are not drained.
Dana's Extra Tip: To really kick this up a notch or several, add jalepeno's to the recipe. We typically add two for our preference.
Serve with cheddar cheese and a dollup of sour cream in your favorite stoneware soup bowl and enjoy with saltine crackers or Frito's® Scoops!
This is a great recipe to make in the crockpot on low overnight. Allow to cool and freeze into family size portions. Great to take to hunting camp and eat around the campfire!
now just in case you missed the can watch the cooking segment below :)
Learn to etch glass - Linda Peterson Live - Rustic lodge decor
Linda Peterson shows how to create an etched design on a set of drinking glasses. She uses a rustic lodge theme for this segment, however, you can choose any motif that fits your decor.
Be sure to check out all the shows on the Cool2Craft Network and click on the tab LIVE TV
Linda Peterson Live will air again February 21st with Celebrating Spring - Bloomin flowers as the theme. Mark your calendars to join us!
You can register to win a free class from CrafTECH University by simply subscribing to our feed!! We have lots of classes to give away so you have lots of chances to win. Just enter your email address into the subscribe box on this page. Open your confirmation email and confirm your address - It's soooo easy!
Also be sure to "LIKE" us on our Facebook
Linda Peterson LIVE - Pamper Me Pillow - FREE Sewing Project
Well now, my first show is under my belt! I had such a wonderful time producing this show. The only problem I had was not being able to fit in EVERYTHING I wanted to show!
Linda shares a quick sewing project using fabric and rice to create a sooothing eye pillow. These pillows are so soothing for tired eyes, need help going to sleep and feel great when you experience headaches.
Get your free sewing pattern for the pamper me pillows here
Be sure to check out all the shows on the Cool2Craft Network and click on the tab LIVE TV
Linda Peterson Live will air again February 21st with Celebrating Spring - Bloomin flowers as the theme. Mark your calendars to join us!
You can register to win a free class from CrafTECH University by simply subscribing to our feed!! We have lots of classes to give away so you have lots of chances to win. Just enter your email address into the subscribe box on this page. Open your confirmation email and confirm your address - It's soooo easy!
Also be sure to "LIKE" us on our Facebook
Linda shares a quick sewing project using fabric and rice to create a sooothing eye pillow. These pillows are so soothing for tired eyes, need help going to sleep and feel great when you experience headaches.
Get your free sewing pattern for the pamper me pillows here
Be sure to check out all the shows on the Cool2Craft Network and click on the tab LIVE TV
Linda Peterson Live will air again February 21st with Celebrating Spring - Bloomin flowers as the theme. Mark your calendars to join us!
You can register to win a free class from CrafTECH University by simply subscribing to our feed!! We have lots of classes to give away so you have lots of chances to win. Just enter your email address into the subscribe box on this page. Open your confirmation email and confirm your address - It's soooo easy!
Also be sure to "LIKE" us on our Facebook
Friday, January 21, 2011
Flip-Pal™ Mobile Scanner Blog Hop Week #3 - Yes, There IS HOPE!
Yes, Im a day late with this my Dad would say, "A Day late and a dollar short"....yep...always at LEAST a dollar short!...But better late than never.
Last Monday, Tiffany Windsor devoted her whole Inspired at Home show to "Gratitude"...what are you most grateful for? It was a beautiful show - in fact...if you missed it, read on as I'll give you the link at the bottom of the post.
Gratitute is one of those words that really makes you stop and think. A quick answer would be to say...I'm Grateful for my friends - like all you readers who I can't believe would read a thing that I write....and my family...because they're awesome....but dig deeper....
Would you say your grateful for some of the more difficult times in your life? Hmmmm...probably not....
But I say...for the most part...Yes! That's exactly what I'm grateful for. Challenges...Rough times...downright ugly times where you just wanna crawl in a hole and hide times....
I've been there......recently....and I made it....
and if you're experiencing very trying times right now.....I understand....and you'll make it....and you'll get thru it.....and you'll be stronger for it.....I am.....
I made this collage about 4 months ago on a was my first canvas to ever work on and I wasn't even sure that I could do it.....My mom was in the hospital....and things were not going well....and I couldnt even get out of bed somedays.....but I really really really wanted to make this canvas.....I really wanted to put all the uglies bugglies outta my head...and just leave them stuck like glue to the canvas....cuz you can walk away from a canvas and if the ugly bugglies are glued to it....guess walk away from them too.....
So .....I sat up late one night....and painted this face...not perfect...neither is life....didnt least it looked like a face....but it needed a little photoshopping.....
And then I put on the background of the canvas.....I looked around at all the things I could use other than a paintbrush to paint design and texture.....and before you know it.....
those ugly bugglies were glued right to the canvas......
And I began to I looked at what I made....I ripped and tore..and glued and dug out stuff..and painted and stamped...and just had so much fun.....and now......Hope! has replaced the Ugly bugglies...
So what about those challenges and dark times that made me grateful? Well...if I didnt have them...I wouldnt know my inner strength....I wouldn't have created this artwork.....who know's what I would have done? But I can tell you that creating artwork thru difficult times is so much better than crawling in a hole and hiding.
Here's the link to Inspired at Home - The Gratitude Episode - Click here
Be sure to Hop on over to my other very talented friends who are also on this FLIP-PAL hop - You'll be inspired by their artwork too!:
;Amy Anderson - Mod Podge Rocks
Chef Stephanie Petersen:
Pat Sloan:
Melissa Langer
Christy Tomlinson
Kathy Peterson Inspired
Last Monday, Tiffany Windsor devoted her whole Inspired at Home show to "Gratitude"...what are you most grateful for? It was a beautiful show - in fact...if you missed it, read on as I'll give you the link at the bottom of the post.
Gratitute is one of those words that really makes you stop and think. A quick answer would be to say...I'm Grateful for my friends - like all you readers who I can't believe would read a thing that I write....and my family...because they're awesome....but dig deeper....
Would you say your grateful for some of the more difficult times in your life? Hmmmm...probably not....
But I say...for the most part...Yes! That's exactly what I'm grateful for. Challenges...Rough times...downright ugly times where you just wanna crawl in a hole and hide times....
I've been there......recently....and I made it....
and if you're experiencing very trying times right now.....I understand....and you'll make it....and you'll get thru it.....and you'll be stronger for it.....I am.....
I made this collage about 4 months ago on a was my first canvas to ever work on and I wasn't even sure that I could do it.....My mom was in the hospital....and things were not going well....and I couldnt even get out of bed somedays.....but I really really really wanted to make this canvas.....I really wanted to put all the uglies bugglies outta my head...and just leave them stuck like glue to the canvas....cuz you can walk away from a canvas and if the ugly bugglies are glued to it....guess walk away from them too.....
So .....I sat up late one night....and painted this face...not perfect...neither is life....didnt least it looked like a face....but it needed a little photoshopping.....
And then I put on the background of the canvas.....I looked around at all the things I could use other than a paintbrush to paint design and texture.....and before you know it.....
those ugly bugglies were glued right to the canvas......
and there was a glimmer of hope.......
So what about those challenges and dark times that made me grateful? Well...if I didnt have them...I wouldnt know my inner strength....I wouldn't have created this artwork.....who know's what I would have done? But I can tell you that creating artwork thru difficult times is so much better than crawling in a hole and hiding.
Here's the link to Inspired at Home - The Gratitude Episode - Click here
Be sure to Hop on over to my other very talented friends who are also on this FLIP-PAL hop - You'll be inspired by their artwork too!:
;Amy Anderson - Mod Podge Rocks
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Flip-Pal™ Mobile Scanner Blog Hop Week #2 - Despite a few bug bites - Artwork by Linda Peterson
Welcome to week #2! Wasn't last weeks hop amazingly talented??? Breath-taking and inspiring artwork!!
I've used my Flip-Pal(R) Mobile Scanner soooooo much, I actually wore down the batteries...seriously....but..thank goodness before I did...I got some great great scans in!
I'm moving to my studio to a new location, which also means going thru some of the old boxes and pitching stuff out. I found one of my favorite dresses that my daughter, Mariah used to wear. It's a little yellow and pink floral dress (um...didnt get a picture of the dress) with yellow gingham accents and trimmed in sage green. She was about 2 or 3 when she wore this dress....and it was a very difficult time in her life. She was going thru chemotherapy to treat a brain tumor. I bought her this dress after a surgery and she just shined..she looked like a little blossoming flower! Maybe that's why I kept the dress....(Im a pack-rat you know...)
So I grabbed my scanner and scanned different elements of the dress....the little pink and yellow flowers, the gingham trim....and loaded it into photoshop, where I printed it out on paper.
Last Saturday, I got together with my "Scrappin' Sisters" for our monthly Scrapbooking crop. This was the perfect opportunity to use the new paper I made for one of my collage paintings.....
First I started with the color pallette based on the colors of the dress.....
;Amy Anderson - Mod Podge Rocks
Chef Stephanie Petersen:
Pat Sloan:
Melissa Langer
Christy Tomlinson
Kathy Peterson Inspired
I've used my Flip-Pal(R) Mobile Scanner soooooo much, I actually wore down the batteries...seriously....but..thank goodness before I did...I got some great great scans in!
I'm moving to my studio to a new location, which also means going thru some of the old boxes and pitching stuff out. I found one of my favorite dresses that my daughter, Mariah used to wear. It's a little yellow and pink floral dress (um...didnt get a picture of the dress) with yellow gingham accents and trimmed in sage green. She was about 2 or 3 when she wore this dress....and it was a very difficult time in her life. She was going thru chemotherapy to treat a brain tumor. I bought her this dress after a surgery and she just shined..she looked like a little blossoming flower! Maybe that's why I kept the dress....(Im a pack-rat you know...)
So I grabbed my scanner and scanned different elements of the dress....the little pink and yellow flowers, the gingham trim....and loaded it into photoshop, where I printed it out on paper.
Last Saturday, I got together with my "Scrappin' Sisters" for our monthly Scrapbooking crop. This was the perfect opportunity to use the new paper I made for one of my collage paintings.....
First I started with the color pallette based on the colors of the dress.....
the paper created from the scanned fabric...
and of course, the words.......
And....the reveal....full of her colorful life.......oh...and one more thing....
it's true.....a flower NEVER fails to bloom.....despite a few bug bites....along the way....
Mariah today....a beautiful young 19 years old!
Go grab your favorite drink....sit back, relax and hop along to the other designers pages.....
Friday, January 7, 2011
Linda Peterson Live - January 24th Show Line up!
January 24th Show - 11am central
Wow! What a kick off to the new year this is going to be. Our theme is Warm-n-fuzzy feel good crafts & cookery!
It's brutally cold in Missouri this time of year and all I can think about is cozin' up inside wearing my comfy clothes and creating my favorite crafts. This show is all about feelin good, so we're featuring some yummy Venison Chili to warm you up on a cold wintery day.
Wow! What a kick off to the new year this is going to be. Our theme is Warm-n-fuzzy feel good crafts & cookery!
It's brutally cold in Missouri this time of year and all I can think about is cozin' up inside wearing my comfy clothes and creating my favorite crafts. This show is all about feelin good, so we're featuring some yummy Venison Chili to warm you up on a cold wintery day.
Ken Oliver from Unibind will be stopping by to show us all about the Photobook know a couple hours each month and you'll have a great memory book to share with family in no time!!!

Tiffany Windor shares the secrets to her favorite sugar scrub recipe....ooohh la la...a hot relaxing bath and some sugar scrub to make your skin feel so soft!!!
Wow! What a kick off to the new year this is going to be. Our theme is Warm-n-fuzzy feel good crafts & cookery!
It's brutally cold in Missouri this time of year and all I can think about is cozin' up inside wearing my comfy clothes and creating my favorite crafts. This show is all about feelin good, so we're featuring some yummy Venison Chili to warm you up on a cold wintery day.
Wow! What a kick off to the new year this is going to be. Our theme is Warm-n-fuzzy feel good crafts & cookery!
It's brutally cold in Missouri this time of year and all I can think about is cozin' up inside wearing my comfy clothes and creating my favorite crafts. This show is all about feelin good, so we're featuring some yummy Venison Chili to warm you up on a cold wintery day.
Ken Oliver from Unibind will be stopping by to show us all about the Photobook know a couple hours each month and you'll have a great memory book to share with family in no time!!!

Tiffany Windor shares the secrets to her favorite sugar scrub recipe....ooohh la la...a hot relaxing bath and some sugar scrub to make your skin feel so soft!!!
And I share one of my favorite projects - my mini pillows....I could not live without these - sew simple to make and so relaxing too!!
Be sure to drop by...we have lots of exciting things happening and some give aways. So mark your calendars for January 24 at 11am central time - on the Cool2Craft network -
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Flip-Pal™ Mobile Scanner Blog Hop Week # 1 - Inspirations for the Creative Soul
It's really an honor to be asked to participate in a blog hop and I really couldn't pass up the opportunity create more art and challenge myself even more.
So - Welcome to the kick off of the Flip-Pal™ Mobile Scanner Blog Hop! It's the first of 5 Fabulous weeks of artwork by 5 fabulous designers in the industry!!! Woot Woot!!!
It's a new year and personally, I couldn't be happier to see 2010 go ....and 2011 arrive.
2010 was a year of extreme challenges personally and to share a inner bit of myself....a bit of depression too. When you "want" to create with all your soul...but your heart is's a very difficult thing....
I created this piece towards the end of 2010, when the year was coming to a close. I decided that this wasn't the way I wanted to live...I did not want to be depressed any longer and so I began first, random thoughts....and then random paragraphs....and then I sat down with a canvas......
And I glued....and glued....and glued......with my fingers mind paint brush for me...I decopauged recycled newspaper onto the canvas....and stepped back to reflect......then I added layers of paint...and layers of glitter and whatever my creative soul wanted at that particular time I added....and I let go of negative thoughts...I wrote them outta my life.... and just like that the layers of happiness and creativity began to unfold....
I thought "inspiring" thoughts......and I began to feel my sadness being lifted and a new person inside begin to soar.....and I! You really have amazed yourself...(yep..sometimes you just have to be your own's okay..toot your horn!)...I didnt know I had any of this art in me......
I used the Flip-Pal(TM) scanner to digitize this canvas which is 12x 24. I love love love how easy it is to now capture my wall art and rearrange to make other great art!! It's so versatile.
Next, I arranged the image in photoshop and created my very own personalized iPhone skin! How cool is that???
For a limited time, you can get this skin for your Iphone. I'll ship it free! Why not start your year on an inspiring note and remind yourself when you see this skin, that you can do ANYTHING you set your mind to accomplish!?!?!
Only $14.99 - Click here to place your order thru my e-commerce store
In the next few weeks, I'll share more of the art I've been creating from the soul...peeling off the layers to reveal new artwork and a new style....
I hope you enjoy my journey!! and I look forward to seeing what everyone else has to create too!....
So please take a moment to follow the links of the other amazingly talented artists on the hop!
It's really an honor to be asked to participate in a blog hop and I really couldn't pass up the opportunity create more art and challenge myself even more.
So - Welcome to the kick off of the Flip-Pal™ Mobile Scanner Blog Hop! It's the first of 5 Fabulous weeks of artwork by 5 fabulous designers in the industry!!! Woot Woot!!!
It's a new year and personally, I couldn't be happier to see 2010 go ....and 2011 arrive.
2010 was a year of extreme challenges personally and to share a inner bit of myself....a bit of depression too. When you "want" to create with all your soul...but your heart is's a very difficult thing....
I created this piece towards the end of 2010, when the year was coming to a close. I decided that this wasn't the way I wanted to live...I did not want to be depressed any longer and so I began first, random thoughts....and then random paragraphs....and then I sat down with a canvas......
And I glued....and glued....and glued......with my fingers mind paint brush for me...I decopauged recycled newspaper onto the canvas....and stepped back to reflect......then I added layers of paint...and layers of glitter and whatever my creative soul wanted at that particular time I added....and I let go of negative thoughts...I wrote them outta my life.... and just like that the layers of happiness and creativity began to unfold....
I thought "inspiring" thoughts......and I began to feel my sadness being lifted and a new person inside begin to soar.....and I! You really have amazed yourself...(yep..sometimes you just have to be your own's okay..toot your horn!)...I didnt know I had any of this art in me......
I used the Flip-Pal(TM) scanner to digitize this canvas which is 12x 24. I love love love how easy it is to now capture my wall art and rearrange to make other great art!! It's so versatile.
Next, I arranged the image in photoshop and created my very own personalized iPhone skin! How cool is that???
For a limited time, you can get this skin for your Iphone. I'll ship it free! Why not start your year on an inspiring note and remind yourself when you see this skin, that you can do ANYTHING you set your mind to accomplish!?!?!
Only $14.99 - Click here to place your order thru my e-commerce store
I hope you enjoy my journey!! and I look forward to seeing what everyone else has to create too!....
So please take a moment to follow the links of the other amazingly talented artists on the hop!
- Amy Anderson - Mod Podge Rocks
- Chef Stephanie Petersen:
- Pat Sloan:
- Melissa Langer
- Christy Tomlinson
- Kathy Peterson Inspired
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