
Friday, September 28, 2012

Announcing the Next in the series of CREATE AND CRAFT shows

I'm so excited to be leaving for England in just a couple of weeks to do 4 shows for Create and Craft TV!

So mark your calendars or diaries for 

Friday October 13th and Saturday October 14th
10 AM and  7PM GMT.  
(That translates to 4am and 1pm central time in the USA)

I'll be showing you how to make your own
Pandora Style - European Beads 
with Cloud Clay and all kinds of other goodies!

 Caning and Milliefiore Techniques using Cernit Polymer clay.

There is so much to show, I really think we will run out of time!! but one things for sure - It will definately be a good time.

For those of you in the USA - you can watch it live by going to and clicking on the live show link.

Keep checking back for updates!
See you soon!
(oh and more announcements to come - so click the subscribe button so you don't miss them! )

Thursday, September 27, 2012

The smell of fall is in the air + Fall Centerpiece Idea

I have no problem saying BYE BYE BYE to summer!!!  Here in southern Missouri, the leaves are beginning to change and whatever bushes those are that turn red...well...they're turning bright bright red.  I think the recent rain will save our fall foliage and give us beautiful colors.

I've been outside gathering acorns, old branches and leaves to bring inside to decorate.  The fall colors go perfect with our lodge style home.

I saw a similar centerpiece in Thistleberry Cottage when I was in Iowa  last week and fell in love with it! It was designed by the owner Kay Evans who has a great eye for texture and decorating - the kind of decorating that makes you want to stay in her store and never leave!

Enjoy this idea and be sure to pay ThistleBerry Cottage a visit!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

On to the next chapter

Now that Mom's estate sale has past, it's time to take all the pieces I've saved and create new works of art.  
We donated 3 huge truckloads of clothes and other pieces to Goodwill - hoping that they will find new life 
It was kind of a bittersweet day.

Lots of exciting things in the work and I'll have two big announcements later this week...
one for all my US friends....and One for my UK friends...

Happy  Tuesday everyone!

Monday, September 24, 2012

Life is good on the Farm!

Took a little break this weekend to spend some time in Iowa at a family reunion.  The first time in years since the whole gang - both sides was able to make it - nearly 40 of us in all.

This is our Grandma some in the picture she is Great Grandma Ginny...and she's about to become GREAT GREAT Grandma Ginny next April when *my* Grandbaby is born! She's so beautiful!

I think Dana has her wrapped around his "little" big finger....

Carson, Iowa isn't very big....but it is a quaint little town.  A country store, the Wander Inn and a one room Movie theatre.

This was the first time that my Daughter in Law Beth had come with we took her sight seeing first to Uncle Jacks Pond.  It's full of Big Ole' Bass n Big Ole' bluegill!

And a climb up the old windmill just north of the house.  Love this Windmill!

As always, we girls snuck down to Thistleberry Cottage - a very quaint little boutique just about a mile down the road.  I loved everything about this shop! Except the fact that I forgot my camera that day! But be sure to check out the link above.

And, on the way there and home, I had a little bit of time to make a piece or two of jewelry.  This is one of my favorites.   A gentleman came into RESTORE and bought it for his wife for their anniversary!  I think she has a keeper! I hope she enjoys for many years to come!

Got some very exciting news which ill share closer towards the end of the week!!

Friday, September 21, 2012

RESTORE! and More!

Remember how I said in yesterday's post....Take Risks, BE BRAVE?  That's a perfect reminder for me to live what I preach.  It's easy to promote someone else....but self promotion is one of the hardest things to do


So much self doubt, questions...will I be good enough? Will they like what I have? What if they don't like what I have? ...really...I think we all psych ourselves up more than necessary.

I have a goal....I need to raise enough money - about $2000 for a remodel and upcycle to my current studio which I am growing out of at a rapid pace!  I've been wanting to do it for years now and I've put it off...but now...I need it...and if I'm gonna get it ...I'm gonna have to pay for it.  But I'm gonna do it...I'm gonna succeed and I'm gonna be proud of working hard to get it accomplished.

Last week, on my way to Dad's, I noticed this adorable new shop in Nixa.

Love the sign.....It caught my eye.....

Wasn't looking for anything in particular, just checking it out wondering if it would be a good fit for my jewelry.

Immediately, as I stepped in the door, I was greeted by a warm friendly smile and a hello from Christine the manager asking me if we had stopped in for anything in particular.  I knew immediately by her personality, she was a fun kinda gal!

Mariah and I shopped the store.....

fell in love with so many things.....

What I particularly like about the store is it is so personable.  It's very warm and inviting.  It reeks *Upscale* yet comfy, warm, cozy!  Christine carries many unique one of a kind items in her store at great prices.  It's one of those kinds of stores where if you see it and love it, you probably outta get it because someone else will love it too and it will wind up in their home and not yours....{insert kick yourself}

After browsing I introduced myself.  I thought - what the heck...all she could do was say no...right?  Take Risks...Be Brave.

We had so many things in common.  Our likes...our taste and I knew that my collection would be a great fit for the shop.  We made an appointment for a showing of the Janie Lane Collection of Urban Cowgirl Jewelry today and I'm so excited that she LOVED IT and said YES to all the pieces that I brought with me.

I think this is the beginning of a great relationship!  So if you happen to be on your way to Branson or coming home from Branson, be sure to take a little jog to Nixa - it's just west on HWY 14 - The Jackson Street Exit.  Head West to Nixa to Main Street and Turn North.  It's just up the road a piece at 425 North Main Street.  Tell Christine I sent you!!  It's well worth the trip.

Speaking of trips...tomorrow I'm heading to Iowa but on my way there...I have a few garage sale stops to make.  Have a fun weekend everyone! I'll be back on Monday!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Take Courage BE BRAVE + Free TIPS for a successful Craft Show

BE BRAVE! For me wearing little reminders sometimes gives me the confidence to try things I normally wouldn't.  Use tools I probably wouldn't and really step out of my comfort zone.  For me Being BRAVE has so many different meanings, Brave to face the challenges at any given moment, Brave to take risks, Brave to face the unknown, Brave to let yourself be vulnerable and make mistakes in order to improve.

Be Brave is all those things wrapped up into this mixed media necklace assemblage.  I've made nearly all the components from scratch and it came together slowly...I had to think of each piece as I designed it.  I love the way it's all mixed up...kinda like me in my craft room huh?

I wanted to take a moment for all of you who are feverishly getting ready to do your line up of fall craft shows and give you some expert tips and advice that I've found helpful.  So here are my TOP 5 must do's for success at shows - Counting down from 5 here we go....

Number 5! - Be PREPARED! This means keep a box of office supplies, sales sheets, calculator, pens and paper, BUSINESS CARDS with your EMAIL and WEBSITE on them, scissors, tape, glue, thumbtacks, drill and hammer.

Number 4 - Dress the part.  This is not the time to wear your favorite comfy pants with holes in them.  Yes I have some, yes I wear them and to tell you the truth, I spent all day yesterday in them...but I was NOT seen in public.  This doesn't mean  you have to dress for the red carpet, but it does mean you need to look professional, neat and organized.

Number 3 - Wear a smile and greet everyone who approaches you.  Do not be caught up with posting on facebook, texting your friends or have your head in a book.  If you don't care - your customers wont either.  Even if they don't buy, it's nice to see a warm smile on your face.  Try to compliment them in some truthful way.  Do you like their earrings? Are they wearing a pretty color?  Make conversation! and be friendly.

Number 2 - PRESENTATION SELLS!  A picture is worth a thousand words and even if you're not showing a PICTURE of your work, what your customer sees with their eyes is a picture in their brain. Make it inviting.  Stay away from colors that distract and turn people away.  Touches of red are okay, but a whole booth in bright red tablecloths is not as effective.  Keep your booth neutral and add accents of colors with your merchandise.  Think creative when displaying your work.  Use fabrics and different heights to add interest....I could go on for hours here....but think presentation! It's a little costly...but it is your advertising and it sells!

NUMBER 1 - THE POWER OF SUGGESTION!  You are at work! You are a sales person, like it or not....and you want to sell what you suggest UPSELLS.  An upsell is simply a suggestion of additional purchases.  It can be done in a way that is soft and gentle.  For instance, if you are selling jewelry, suggest matching earrings or suggest a way to combine and layer jewelry pieces together that they may not have thought of.  If you see they are wearing a certain color, suggest items in that color palette.  You would be amazed at what you will learn about a person if you just talk friendly to them.  They will tell you their life story and based on that you will know what to present and upsell.

With a little practice, you'll be a great SOFT sales person in no time!!!

Happy Fall!! and wishing everyone a successful fall craft show season!
Until tomorrow! :)

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Trash to Treasure

I am who I am.....I admit it.... I - AM - A - CRAFT - JUNK - HOARDER!!  However I will not be appearing on any episodes of Hoarders - EVER!

I thought you might like a sneaky peek into my creative zone.  This is my creative corner in the studio where I work alot. It's my trash to treasure space!  As you can see I'm surrounded with stuff! It's all at my fingertips, you name it...buttons, jewelry findings, thread, needles, trims, TACKY GLUE,'s all's my zen place..I can tune out the world...............and when I do....this is what happens....

In designing this piece, entitled Chantilly Lace,  I was taken back to my Mother's wedding day, standing there, this beautiful young woman dressed in chantilly lace.

 Good memories of a marriage to my Dad that lasted 51 years!  The pearls are from Mom's collection of broken bits and pieces of jewelry.

The Janie Lane collection can be found at my Etsy store - click here to see the entire collection

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

All a Flutter - A beautiful "almost" FALL DAY

This morning was magical! After the brutally hot hot summer, I awoke to the birds singing and a cool breeze blowing in my window.  It was 50 degrees! I think everyone was happy for cooler temperatures.

Outside my window, I have an enormous rose of sharon bush which has been attracting heaps of hummingbirds and butterflies.

I can sit for hours watching the birds and the bees and the gorgeous....

With that inspiration, I created this multi-strand necklace I call Flutter.  Made from the vintage findings in my Sweet Antiq's shop on Etsy.  I also combined these findings with hand made beads of Friendly Plastic.

It's made with beautiful fall colors! I hope you enjoy! :)

Monday, September 17, 2012

Take COURAGE - Janie Lane Collection

I'm having a lot of fun designing unique one of a kind pieces of jewelry.  The whole process is healing to me and the creative process is intoxicating....better than any drug!

Today I'd like to share with you this piece I have called Courage.  It is completely made from scratch.   I love the way that the strands interweave reminding me of how our lives are interwoven in our family relationships and our friendships. It is also a friendly reminder that sometimes, when we don't want to be....we have to have courage to conquer trials.  We can do it...if we remember to be brave and take courage!!

As we walk down the road of life we find treasures, and so the pearls in the design are reclaimed from Mom's jewelry, old buttons also take on a new life and function. Soft elements of lace combine with more structure - like the variety of chains in this piece....

I hope you take a moment to remember that you are brave and to take courage in whatever you are faced with.

If you have a moment - browse my etsy store! Maybe you'll find just the right piece or aquire some findings to combine your bits and pieces into a work of living art.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

The birth of the Janie Lane Collection of Urban Cowgirl, vintage chic jewelry.

So much of my art is centered around memories.  Things change, time passes, but memories live on.

It's now 7 months since my Mom passed away.  My Dad finally decided it is time to move on and so last week we decided to pass her things along to new homes to be enjoyed by others.

My friend Donna Sue and I took on the task of going thru all Mom's belongings.  It was a major undertaking.  
We laughed alot, remembered alot and kept the things dear to us and moved the others along to the estate sale for someone else to make memories with.

Among the things we sorted thru, I found many hidden treasures.  Old photographs of family members some over 150 years old.  Broken bits and pieces of jewelry, quilting fabrics just have no idea...

But among the treasures, the birth of a new line of jewelry came to life.  I've named it after my Mom, Jane but known to her friends as Janie and to my Dad as "baby girl" and My Son Alex, whose middle name is Lane.  I loved the combination of Janie Lane.  Memories of the past and the creation of new memories....

This collection that I describe as Urban Cowgirl is a blend of soft textures with hard elements.  Soft vintage lace meets wire, beads, pearls and junk jewelry.  Most of the pieces are completely made from scratch - even the beads from vintage denim and pearls...who know's what will wind up in this collection....

Here's the first of many treasures...I hope you enjoy....and if you see something you just can't live without..just let me would be an honor for my collection to find a new home and make new memories with you.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Pumpkins on parade! + FREE PUMPKIN Fall project instructions


My favorite time of year has arrived - FALL! I love the cool weather, love the crisp mornings sitting outside on my porch reading the paper, love the colors but most of all....I love PUMPKINS! and I'm beginning to get quite a collection.

This pumpkin popped up on my facebook feed a couple days ago.... I LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!

and I just happen to have a few dozen jar lids at my disposal so with that I MADE MADE MADE....
my version of this piece...

Here's what you'll need:

24 mason jar lids
Stick or cinnammon sticks
Tacky Glue
Burlap scraps
Krylon Orange spray paint
Wood Stain in English Walnut or color of choice

String lids onto a piece of raffia and tie into a tight knot to create pumpkin shape. Spray paint orange and distress with wood stain and let dry overnight

Paint or stain stick for center stem.  Tie on a raffia bow. Insert and glue into center of pumpkin.

Color burlap green, cut into leaf shapes and glue to pumpkin.

Happy Fall Ya'll!

Saturday, September 1, 2012

It's September! Bring on the PUMPKIN {crafts}!

Seems like forever in coming doesn't it?  This has been by far the most BRUTAL summer I can ever remember. It's SEPTEMBER and summer was so last season ago!

I LOVE LOVE LOVE pumpkins! I love decorating with pumpkins, I love pumpkin bread cupcakes and I love pumpkin pie and I'll eat the whole thing too when you're not watching!!!

As a follow up to my recent REDNECK CRAFT WARS post, I had miscellaneous pieces of chicken wire left over and know me...being the packrat and the don't throw away - I'll repurpose that kinda girl that I am, I couldn't bear not to do something creative with the left overs.

So with a can of Krylon spray paint, some old fabric from my momma's stash and a little imagination...
I introduce you to crafty-leftover pumpkins!

If you want to you can use a styrofoam ball to shape your pumpkin and then remove the ball before you close the circle on the chicken wire.  But I just freeformed it.  I also used up a few scraps from Mom's quilting fabric, added a raffia bow, stuck some moss inside and a flameless candle from the dollar store and VIOLA! I have a new pumpkin to add to my collection...

Yippee me!  I've never been much for left-overs, except when they're of the crafty kind :)

Enjoy your long weekend folks and create up a storm!

P.S. {I'm still in my pajama's}